Lending A Helping Hand To People In Need

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

There is no amount of words that will make sense to someone that is hungry except the person is given good to eat. There are sometimes that what people need is not sympathy nor motivational speeches but actual help. People may forget the speeches you made to them and may even forget your motivation, but they will not forget the help you provided to them especially in the challenging times. A true friend is not only the person that comes to celebrate with you but the person that also stands by you and provides help in your tough times.


Image from Pixabay

Even though the challenges of the world is too big and the difficulties facing humanity is numerous, but the little help you give will definitely go a long way to make someone feel better. You may not be able to fulfil the needs of everyone but you can do something to assist someone. When you put your little drop and someone else puts their little drop and like that, a mighty pool will be created. When rain falls, it may be in droplets, but after a while of these droplets, the ground will be wet. More often than not, it may not be something too big that will create the biggest effect, but the little that everyone does. In a dark night for example, if everyone has a candle, no matter how dim the light is, but when pulled together, it will make a great impact.

In life, we should understand that there is nothing that holds a better value than being a blessing to someone in need and helping them in the way you can. We should also learn not to expect a reciprocity of goodness from the person you are lending a helping hand to. There is a joy that comes when you help someone and cause them to be joyful because of your help. If you only help those that you expect to receive help from, then it is not an act of niceness but just another form of business.

One thing you cannot enforce is how people will remember your memory. You cannot tell anyone how to remember you when you are gone. It is your acts when you were with them that will determine how they will remember you. A blessed memory is not enforced nor bought, but it is earned by your acts of kindness and goodness. It is worthy to note that no matter the level at which you are at the present, you can help another person - it is only a matter of choice. If you find it difficult to help others at your current level, you may find it even more difficult to help people when your level improves.


Image from Pixabay

More often than not, it is not the size of the help or the quantity of the help that matters but other factors like promptness, the heart from which the help is coming from, the quality of the help, intentions, etc, matter more. Are you giving out help with the intentions to receive a bigger help or are you helping because of your heart for humanity? More so, is your help coming at the time of need or when it is no longer needed? You see, it is not enough to claim you are doing something for someone, but is what you are doing making impact to the person or are you just doing it for the purpose of public show?

It is worthy to note that more happiness lies in the act of giving (helping) than in receiving. Nothing is as soul-lifting as knowing that someone is better because of the help you have rendered to them. The point you feel that you can no longer help others is the point that you begin to lose the very essence of living. The reason for our humanity and the reason we are blessed; among others; is for us to be a blessing to humanity. We all want to have a better world, but the truth is that the good you want to see in the world should begin with your acts of goodness.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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