Learn Form The Past Mistakes

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

If you have tried something in the past and the result was not as you expected it because of certain mistakes that you made, what will you do? Will you own up to the mistakes and learn from them or will you outrightly give excuses for them? The reason why a lot of people keep repeating the same mistake is that they did not learn anything from the first time it happened or they were able to convince themselves to deny the mistake and they repeated it again.


Image from Pexels

As humans, no one is born with the absolute immunity to the proclivity of making mistakes. But the truth is that if you do not tell yourself the truth why the mistake was made in the first place, and if you do not learn anything from it, then you have the tendency of repeating it over and again. You do not need to give excuses for mistakes, just take the full responsibility and then learm from them how to be perfect with your next attempt.

A few days ago, a very good friend of mine made some explanations over the course of our discourse. He explained about the many ills that are being perpetrated in the country and he also pointed to the government as a big enabler to the ills. Yet, a lot of people have not learnt anything and will still give their votes to the same people that perpetrated the ills simply because of tribal or religious affiliation. Later, the same set of people will complain about everything. Well, just to learnt you know, there are mistakes that are so costly that if you repeat again, you will reap the consequences for a very long time, so be cautious.

If you repeat the same mistake that you made in the past, then the obvious explanation is that you did not know why the mistake was made in the first place and you did not learn anything from it. Mistakes can be good teachers or can also be someone's bane, depending on how you were able to respond to it. If you respond constructively and positively to mistake, it will teach you the required lessons to become better. However, if you try to give excuses for mistakes or trade the blame game, then the mistake might become a bane.

It is true that it is a good thing to learn from personal mistakes, but it is far better and more productive to learn from the mistakes of others. There are some mistakes that one can only do once and it will be very critical. You cannot afford to make such mistakes to learn from it, you can simply learn from what you have observed from other people's mistakes. After all, life is not infinite to be doing "trial and error," neither do you have the whole time in the world to try out everything firsthand to learn from them. So the best option is to broaden yourself to welcome other people's mistakes as tutors.


Image from Pexels

If something bad had happened in the past and you do not care to find out why it happened, you will not know how to prevent it from reoccurring. The reason why people refer to past incidences is to draw lessons from them on how to solve present problems. If the past cannot teach an enough lesson that will make the present worth living, and the desired future attainable, then the past was almost wasted. You may not have experienced the errors of the past first-hand, but other people's own are out there to give you an insight.

Even if the past was good, there is also some lessons to learn from it to make the future better. Just like I once told a friend; you learn from bad experiences of the past on how to prevent it from happening again, then you learn from the good experiences on what to do to make it happen again and even better. As the days go by and as actions are taken, there will always be something to learn from to make us better humans.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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