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in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Pride comes before destruction comes

This quote is popularly used when the issue of pride is raised and I see truth in it. There are many destinies that have been wrecked on the platform of pride. Most times, pride does not manifest initially as a two-headed monster, it starts small and often negligibly, then it grows over time. When you start to feel big about yourself, or start to think that you are better than everyone else, or start to nurture the thoughts of "do you know who I am?", or find it difficult to be teachable, then this is a simple manifestation of pride.


Image from Pixabay

I read a particular story of a talented young man but with an over-inflated ego. He topped his class during graduation. This caused his ego to be massaged excessively and it grew into a full-blown pride. His interaction with people become weird because he always sees everyone as being inferior to him and he always paraded himself as the best with his shoulders higher than his head.

He did not have any problem with getting employed as he had many job offers because of his performance. However, getting a job is one thing, which may be as a result of one's qualification, but to retain the job, you will need other factors beyond qualifications. At his place if work, he did not take orders from his direct boss because he felt he was more qualified than he is. Even while talking with him, he would bring in elements of rudeness and whatnot.

He could not also deal with his colleagues due to his pride, and he expected everything to revolve around him. Needless to say, he was relieved of his job when they could not put up with the nastiness of his attitude. He was not bothered because he had other job offers waiting for him. However, the same trend that happened in his last job repeated in a much severe fashion again. This also costed him his job and weirdly enough, in less than five years of graduating from college, he has hopped between over ten jobs. Now his CV has been tainted because no employer will, in his right mind, employ someone that has changed ten jobs in five years.

The last job he held was catastrophic. His pride took over him when he got to find out that the MD had a third-class. He would question his decisions, flouted direct orders, etc. The height of it came when he responded with rudeness to a question from the MD. Well, the MD proved he was still the MD even with his third-class. He placed him under suspension without salary. After a while of being suspended, he left the company on his own. The cost of pride.

It is true that having a level of self-ego is good because it has a way of building up your self-esteem and boosting your confidence, but you should understand that the line that separates it from pride is very thin. So you should be cautious so that your self-ego will not degenerate into pride, to avoid destroying what you have spent a long while to build up. You may be talented in something or your may be extremely gifted in a thing, but you should understand that you are not talented in every single thing, so do not be proud.

The person that has the particular knowledge you seek may be of lower status than you or may not even be as educated as you are, but you still have to keep all that aside and seek the knowledge from the person.


Image from Pixabay

To put pride in check, always remind yourself of the truth that you are not omniscient and you do not have the key to the absolute knowledge in the world. When you understand that you are not all-sufficient, you will not have reasons to be proud. More so, most of the things you have are not on the basis of achievement nor of right but exclusively on privileges, so be humble.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hola querido amigo, como siempre todas tus entradas son muy buenas, el orgullo ciertamente no nos ayuda mucho, a veces puede ser lo único que arruine nuestras vidas o que nos haga perder oportunidades. Saludos y gracias por compartirlo!!

Hola amigo. Yes you're right, pride has the ability to ruin people's lives and make them to lose opportunities.
Thanks a lot for the comment dear friend

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