Weekly Contest. "Photographing Flowers Week #6"

Hello everyone!

Hope everything is going well. This is my very first arrival to this beloved community. And, here is my entry for the weekly contest - Photographing Flowers, organized by @adeljose.

From the movement I saw this interesting contest yesterday, I was so excited because flowers are one of my most favorite designs of the nature. Then I was thinking of taking photographs of some beautiful flowers. And, at the same time, I got a chance to visit the monastery located in our area. I'm from the heavenly beautiful island, Sri Lanka, and from a very beautiful area filled with various varieties of flowers. So, our monastery is also full of very attractive flowers. As soon as I reach there, yes, I found the flower that I was looking for.


There is a special reason for me to be so attracted to this flower. In my memory, there is a link between this monastery and these attractive flower vines. The reason may be a little bit funny. I have been visiting this monastery since my childhood. Ever since I first visited there, these flowers have always been hanging there beautifully. In each and every visit, I felt like these flower vines were smiling with me and welcoming me while blowing in the wind. Nearly two decades have passed now, but I can still see these beauties hanging and smiling with me whenever I visit there. And, yes, need to mention that it was not the same plant throughout all this time.


So actually, in my mind, these flowers act as a symbol of our monastery. Isn't it a sort of funny thing? Yes, but it's true. When I see these flowers somewhere else, then they immediately make me remember our monastery.

Sadly, I never knew the name of these beauties for all this time. But today, I searched through the internet, and yes, I found, they are called Indian Clock Vines. It is a stunning creation of nature, with bright yellow and red colors. Vines grow up to about 20 feet, and a cluster of beautiful flowers blooms at the end of the vine. Little insects and flying cuties can be found around them most of the time. But unfortunately, while I was taking the photos, I couldn't see any of the flying ones.


Finally, I decided to treat them well even more than before from now on, since now I know their name as well.


So, it's all about it. Hope you will enjoy it. And thank you for reading!

Best Regards!

 2 years ago 

Lovely flowers!

Thank you very much...!

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @sachisewwandi

Thank you for sharing this beautiful flower called Indian watch vines, the truth is that nature never ceases to amaze me. Nice pictures.

Thank you for your sharing.

Participant #13

Hello friend @adeljose,
Thank you very much for going through my entry and reviewing it.

Best Regards!!

What an interesting flower, there are no similar plants in our region. Good luck in the contest!

Oh really? I think this plant is very easily grown in tropical mountain areas.
Anyway, thank you for reading my post.

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