📣📣 NUEVO CONCURSO: "Mi sesión fotográfica" 😎📸

in WORLD OF XPILAR27 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Everyone

This is @rumanaafroz, from Bangladesh.

Dear friends, how are you all? I hope all of you are having a good day by the infinite mercy of the great creator. Alhamdulillah I am also very well by the will of my master.
Would like to thank @franyeligonzalez mam for holding this photography contest. I love photography very much. Photography is my best friend wherever I go. Flowers or insects are my favorite photography. My journey with photography started when I first started working on Steemit. I do photography with great passion and love.




I present to you today with petunia flower photography. Petunia flower has no fragrance but still the flower looks very beautiful. I am very happy with Anna. I sometimes photograph this petunia flower from this lovely place. Today I will share with you some photographs with small water drops. I hope you like it too. When I was photographing this petunia flower, it stopped raining.



I only planted one plant. But now I have many. One plant has many plants now. When the whole plant is full, this Petunias are so lovely to look at when they bloom. Although these flowers have no scent, I am very happy to see my plants full of flowers. I tend to the plants every afternoon. I water them. I love them. I happily nurture them and photograph them when I need to.
I hope you will like my photographs today. Wishing everyone good health, I bid farewell here.



(Device -OPPOA5s)

I would like to invite
to participate in this competition.

Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.

Best regards
Rumana Afroz


Hola hola querida amiga, muchas gracias por participar en el concurso, vaya, que fotografías más lindas, el color y las gotas de lluvia se ven geniales. Creo que hiciste un gran trabajo, gracias por compartirlo.


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