Imagine having an ideal wardrobe.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

Imagine having an ideal wardrobe.

Imagine what your wardrobe would be like if you only had pieces that you really like and use, imagine also how easy it would be to decide what to wear in the morning if all the pieces matched each other, Imagine the peace and harmony you would feel by always seeing your closet tidy clean and only with those pieces that they love.

A capsule or practical wardrobe has many benefits because it will be easier to get dressed in the morning, it will be easier to know exactly what pieces we have in our wardrobe, we will not have pieces that are squashed and that we don't even know are there and The idea is to simplify our life and improve it in the process.

The first step to create a functional wardrobe is to remove everything we have in it and clean that space and while we are doing this, we must evaluate each of the garments to decide what we are going to keep and get rid of those things that we no longer use, that do not fit us well or that we do not like, because having so many things creates accumulation and creates disorder, we get stressed and that also makes it difficult for us to decide in the morning what we are going to wear.

You can simply use a damp cloth to clean the shelves and if you are very exaggerated like me, you can use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum each drawer and the floor of the closet, I have shirts that are already somewhat ugly and if I can no longer use them or donate them I cut with scissors and use them as rags to clean or dust.

And if they are things that I no longer like but are still in good condition, I take them to donate.

The next step is to avoid "just in case", this just in case is a mental trap that all it does is that we keep things that we will never use, having things in our space that we do not use is as if they were already in the garbage because those things were created to fulfill a function and if they are not fulfilling their function, then what were they created for and it is the same as if they were in the garbage, please, avoid at all costs just in case because if it is something that They have not used it in a long time, most likely they will not use it anymore and only keep those clothes that they use from day to day.

Try to create a capsule wardrobe only staying with those garments that are Versatile and that have neutral or timeless colors, in this way you will be able to combine all the pieces and thus create many different outfits, I also think it is very important that while we are deciding with what clothes we are going to keep, let's take into account your lifestyle.

Surely while they are seeing what clothes they have, they will realize that they have clothes that they only use during certain times of the year, if this is the case my suggestion is that they only keep one or two of the same thing, for example, three to six blouses, three to six shirts, three to six dresses only, for me it does not count the pieces that are their favorites and that they are going to use.

Then you simply have to put everything back in the closet and try to accommodate it by sizes and colors, I like to put everything that is bigger in the back, so to speak, that is, all the jackets, jackets and others on one side and they decrease in size and colors the truth is that I am not very exaggerated with that, I just like to have everything organized so that I can see exactly what I have and can use all the clothes in less than two weeks.

I like to do that because surely it has happened to them that when they have something stored for a long time and then they put it on it smells like confinement and when we have less things, we have to use them more often, wash them more often, too, and thus the clothes always smell like clean.

Now it is important that they make a list of those pieces that they need to buy, it is important to make this list to NOT go to the store and buy to buy, but rather buy consciously to complement our wardrobe.

It is also important to take into account that when we are in our capsule wardrobe, it is advisable to buy very good quality clothes, even if they are expensive, because the idea is to buy only once in several years and thus we do not have to spend our money constantly having to replace poor quality clothing.

When you are making your list, please take into account what lifestyle you have, if you need something for work or a garment that will help you create different outfits, then buy it so that you can buy clothes that you really like that you can combine with the other things they have and that can make life easier in this way and to maintain their closet functional.

I suggest you follow the principle of "one thing goes in, one thing goes out", if for some reason you buy a new garment, try to replace any of the old clothes you have, so your closet will always stay small and you will avoid accumulating further.

It is important that they realize that everyone is different and that everyone has different needs. The idea is to try to find that balance between what works for us and not accumulate too much.

Remember that the objective of having a functional wardrobe is to have only those clothes that we are going to use and that we love, it also obviously has the benefits that it will help us make decisions more easily when dressing, have less stress and find more peace in our life that ultimately is why we are trying to lead this lifestyle.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoyed my content. If you have any questions, concerns, concerns or suggestions let me know in the comments section.

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May it be very good!

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