How do I do my home cleaning, method

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

How do I do my home cleaning, method

I know this sounds like a horror movie, but what worries me the most is that all these chemicals end up in the water, polluting the seas and rivers and killing the animals that live in them.

Personally, I was also used to using commercial products to clean my space, in fact before I used a super strong and unnecessary product to clean the shower, but I have been making my own natural products for a long time and thus reducing the amount of toxic substances that I use. in my space, which has translated into better health, less expenses and less garbage.

Besides, I didn't like what to do either! as we say here, because it took me a lot of time, but since I lead a minimalist lifestyle and I only have what is necessary it is easier and faster to clean, for example, it takes me like 15 or 20 minutes to clean my space because I already have a system and the first thing I do is extend my bed and store everything that is on top of tables or furniture.

Then I shake starting from the top so as not to get dirty as I clean and finally I vacuum the furniture and the carpet.

Something that I would like to suggest is that instead of buying microfiber cloths, it is better to simply use an old cotton shirt that you have, because that way we will make less garbage and we will also pollute the ocean less, because I really did not know that when we wash rags made of microfiber or rather plastic, those microfibers go into the water and end up poisoning ocean animals and also contaminating the food we eat.

We do the best we can with the level of consciousness that we currently have, this is simply saying that if we knew how to do things in a better way we would do them, then we do not have to feel guilty for not knowing this information, the only thing we can do is continue learning, changing habits in this way improve our quality of life little by little.

So the next time you're shopping for something to clean your space, I'd like to suggest that you first ask yourself if you really need it, then if you decide to buy it, research the ingredients that product has, and decide for yourself if that's what you need. are about to put in your space is it going to help clean up or is it just going to create more toxicity.

Well I say goodbye but not before telling you that nothing in our lives will change until we change with ourselves first, thanks for being here, take care of yourselves bye.

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