Help the planet to be better

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Help the planet to be better


Cleaning your teeth involves brushing them with a plastic brush, which, in case all the plastic brushes we have used since we were born did not know, is still somewhere in the world, it is a plastic that is very difficult to decompose and In fact, all plastic is a material that the planet cannot digest, it only breaks into small pieces and pollutes the seas, pollutes the earth and our bodies.

So imagine all the toothbrushes you have used in your life still exist somewhere and it is in some rubbish dump, buried in the sea.

There is the toothbrush, there is also the dental floss that is made of nylon and Teflon, which is a chemical that can have negative consequences on our health, there is the mouthwash, which comes in a plastic bottle that is going to be thrown away into the garbage, and they are little things that, perhaps, a brush is not much, but we are millions of people who are using these brushes, these products and generating waste.

Industrialists must be required to manufacture natural products, to be friendlier to the planet, there are already dental flosses made from silk with beeswax, it also comes in a cardboard box that you can bury and biodegrade, so there is no no problem, it does not generate so much garbage.

As it is made of silk you can compost it, also burying it in your garden, I know that for those who are vegans, using beeswax is still very bad, but within the bad it is the least worse.

There is the option of making your dental floss, you can do it with Teflon that you find in the hardware store or with silk and you use it will be a bee so that it slips, many people do not use dental floss either because they do not get it, as is the case in some countries , or do not have the habit of using it; but 50% of proper brushing is done by flossing.


With small actions, we can use sustainable and environmentally friendly products, by plastics. The attempt to reduce plastic can be made by producing biodegradable polymers. The constant awareness campaigns cannot stop, the problem is that large companies think only of their economy, and while the planet suffers!

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