Two Right-handed Paintings for a Left-handed Backache

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


Good Morning, Our Nations Suck 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 23"

The repetitive motion of a left-handed painter has inflicted a temporary carpal tunnel of my upper back that makes my left hand tingle at night. At first I thought, “Oh no, here comes the inevitable heart attack!”. But no. Just day after day sitting, leaning, painting.
Do not fear. Just change hands! Here are two paintings made this week with my right hand. When the new tingling comes for the right hand, I’ll start painting with my mouth, then toes, then creases at the elbows...
If the urge is there, the paintings always happen. I am glad, so glad, for the urge.


The Demogogue and Your Demons 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 23"


You are lucky that you are able to paint with your left hand. I have never tried it. I heard that when the person starting to use their non-dominant hand then the certain part of our brain stats to work and you may discover some new skills and talents. So it is might be good, just listen to your inner you and you might be able to recognize it.

The paintings are beautiful, especially the features of faces still recognizable and if I did not know I would think that it was your normal painting with right hand.

Oh thank you! Actually, I am left-handed, and it’s the right-handed approach that I am beginning to like. I agree, it feels like straining at first, but then I gradually forget the strain and work in new ways that prove good results. Both paintings look like a north eastern wind is blowing. They move left, right, up. Even though my back feels better, I’ll try again tomorrow:)

 2 years ago 

Good work...I´d say you are ambidextrous ! congrats!

Thank you. To an extent. I probably couldn’t feed myself with it, but I can paint with my right hand:)

Your passion towards painting is remarkable

It’s a job:) Thank you.

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