Diversity Statement As Required By Bureaucracy

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


Last Night I Presented to the Board While Sinking Down Doubt Sea 2022. Acrylic on poly (methyl methacrylate), 16 x 20"

I applied for a visiting artist position at a university. It’s chic these days to include a diversity statement.

Diversity Statement

I was born into the historically winning gender that has controlled all things art and world dominance since cavewoman times. I am a Caucasian man and citizen of the United States here to explain my commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and for many rational, thinking persons, doomed to fail right from the start.
But it’s true. Notwithstanding my outside appearance (and therefore my unfair advantage over other races, genders, ethnicities, and disabilities), I was born with the justice gene, and it has shaped my adult life tremendously. As an artist, I would declare that more than half of my output expresses a political or justice-related theme. Whether a painting or essay, I feel most inspired and creative while extinguishing the fire in my gray matter, stoked by a social wrong. Like the old adage suggests to assuage the frustrated and underrepresented (which all artists are), “Turn your anger into a work of art”!
Artistically, I believe that anger (more often frustration) expressed creatively, in equal parts to love, will embolden an exasperated culture to move toward a more equitable future for our species and also the billion or so other species who have no say in their futures during these early throes of the sixth extinction.

How do I express this commitment specifically?

For 29 years I raised two daughters as a stay-at-home Dad. I homeschooled both girls until their teenage years. I did the majority of housework, and all the cooking because my wife and I agreed that the best scenario for our family was for one of us to stay at home—preferably the one whose job and career was less tenable.

So I stayed home. And was thoroughly enriched by a new, empowering perspective and experience. I was raising children! Unlike my father, or his father (ad infinitum down the line), I began to see the world through the eyes of a pre-Betty Friedan generation of American women. I was enlivened and enriched by the experience, yet there was always some underlying emptiness at issue. As time went on, I was (am) no longer marketable for employment in the workplace much beyond an hourly minimum wage. I had (have) no financial prospects on the horizon. Yet I had (have) the safety net to relinquish my economy by choice. I understand that millions of committed underrepresented people today do not have that opportunity.
I raised my daughters to not only think critically, but also demand a fairer world for themselves. Each has learned to buck an oppressive system to her advantage. Our homeschool and dinner table experience was replete with social justice themes. Civil rights, people’s histories, women and gender issues, climate justice, education reform... Throughout these years I wrote and painted in my free time, usually in the very early mornings and late evenings. Social justice themes abound in my oeuvre, yet neither popularly nor financially to my benefit. Today I work full time in my home studio, painting and writing.

I am a strong advocate for change, especially in education where a level playing field is the best way to achieve an equitable balance. Education is the door leading to freedom. I strive through my art and life practice to share my vision with all peoples interested in creating a more just world.
The youth today carry the seeds to whatever becomes of our future. I believe my generation has done a pretty good job raising socially conscious human beings. For the first time in modern history, the generation gap is closing fast, and for all the right reasons. Unlike in previous cycles that handed down a continuation of the status quo, the youth of today are not rebelling so much as educating their elders about a better world to come. They’re also impatient, and rightly so. Social and environmental justice is wanted now, not tomorrow, for next week who knows what huge mass of ice will break off Antarctica? Thanks to the Internet, and especially social media, information is immediate and democratic, which builds bridges quickly across outdated divides of race, gender, disability, religion, age, marital status, socioeconomic placement, or even language. It holds the understanding that “knowledge is power” to millions, who for too long were marginalized by poorly designed systems. I would bring to the AAO a deep admiration and respect for people’s creative and inquisitive energies. I believe that artists are the first in line to sign the new social contract. Make way for the life giving ones! I would use my talents to inspire confidence, cooperation, and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As potential employee resident artist at the AAO, I make this promise to the local community.


Underrepresented Grandfather 2022.


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I really liked how you told us your family story, I can feel that you are a very warm, simple and very creative person.

Beautiful work you did with your daughters, I'm sure they are super grateful to you. Regards.

I am super grateful for your kind words:)
It means a lot, truly. So seldom is positive feedback received. Your insight I take to heart. Thank you!

Interesting post, justice is outstanding in every person who adheres to true moral values ​​and it is a privilege "to be born with that gene" as you mention it. In the midst of this unhealthy world it is a privilege to be able to express all frustration through art and continue with true wisdom.

Well said. Hear! Hear!
Thank you for reading:)

It seems very good to me that you and your wife have been concerned (as it should be) with the upbringing and education of your daughters, since education really begins at home; Currently, the decline of values in our society is so great that educational reforms are continually being carried out, in order to balance the great social decline that we are currently experiencing. But the big problem is that many parents delegate the duty of educating their children to third parties, which should not be the case. It is very important that parents understand that it is of vital importance that they not only transmit good values to their children, but also set an example. Thank you for sharing your experiences as a stay at home parent.

I believe most parents are concerned about the fate of their children. Due to economic circumstances, many families cannot afford to tutor at home, even if desired.
Also, school is compulsory in many nations.
Two dedicated people can take up the task, if one is willing (and able) to shoulder the financial responsibilities. We began homeschooling when we were young and unattached to careers. I cooked in restaurants at night, while my wife built her career at a day job. Educational responsibilities were mine for the most part, embellished in the evenings by my wife.
It worked out very well. We are fortunate.
Thank you so much for your thoughts!

Very curioss painting, you impress me with your art.

Oh thank you! I needed a boost this morning. I just found out I didn’t get the job that the post refers to:(
Always merry and bright!

I'm glad my comment encouraged you after you got the news about the job. Don't worry my friend, destiny always has something better for us, you keep going and don't give up. Many moods!

Many moods, yes!
Not in my nature to stop. I would explode:)

Thank you again!

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @ronthroop what an interesting and powerful phrase "Turn your anger into a work of art!", I long for "Make way for the life-givers!".

I was captivated to read part of your story, just like you we are at home with our children, nurturing and shaping them.

Have a nice day.

Are you quoting Henry Miller? If So, I’ll follow you again and again! :)
Yes, it was worth every moment being with my daughters. And now grandchildren!
I bet on the house, and Lady Luck gave it all to me.
So far.

I like those types of men who assume the roll in the home as one more job, because if painting demands, you will know that housework is still dedication and perseverance, your daughters are very lucky, I think that equity and inclusion every day should be more supported and art is a way to express that feeling!


Thank you. I have two daughters, and the oldest is definitely seeing the results of parental sacrifice (see granddaughters in photo). The youngest is primed to thank us until her lips fall off. It’s just a matter of a few years...
Greetings to you also!

Sometimes painting let you express your feeling and situation 👍

Most times for me:) Thank you!

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