A Persistent Repetition and a New Beginning

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


Ron Throop—Dragon Artist 2020.
Acrylic on poly (methyl methacrylate), 16 x 20" Sold!

Well, the exhibition has ended. Approximately 70 people visited the pop-up gallery—that’s less than one person per painting. 85% of guests were friends, family or colleagues of either Bill (the business owner), Rhiannon (my daughter and Director of Arts and Technology of the school I am donating half of sales to), or me. I invested $2300 and 150 hours of my time (which does not include actual painting or framing hours). 13 paintings sold for a total of $2,629 and one (valued at $302) was given away in a raffle that raised $48.
$208 got pushed through the mouth of the Donation Box I set out for the school. So the payout is:

Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts: $1522.50

Ron Throop: $1314.50

A total failure from the perspective of any competent accountant or Philistine.

And this is no isolated event. Not once in my anti-career have I come out ahead financially. It and me are absolute failures at making money with creative expression. Perhaps ironically, I actually prefer it this way—to cut down income at every opportunity. Burn pocket holes with hot money. In my gut I believe a hand to mouth existence is the most trusting and optimistic one—that cynicism is born of acquiring too much stuff after basic comforts and invigorating contentment. After 54 revolutions around the sun, if I cannot (or won’t) nurture the life enthusiasm I had at 20, then I am just a cold rock like the moon, going through repetitive motion until gravity gives up.

This exhibition would not have existed without Bill the business owner who, out of the blue, visited my ramshackle basement studio last August, exclaimed “How prolific”, bought three paintings, and asked me if I’d like to show my work in a big room of an old factory. His giving isn’t finished. The original gesture provided support and recognition to an excellent charter school, bumped my name into a new community, allowed me to keep in step with my pretend hand-to-mouth strategy, and yesterday Bill offered me another factory room with a view next to the gallery to set up my studio and continue where I left off, which was nowhere and everywhere at once. He offered this at no charge, provided I curate other artists to exhibit, and seek a couple more to share the space with me. However, Bill must give the okay to any new artist because he has his own tastes and wishes to express them to all and sundry, just like me and you.

I told him “No” unless I can pay a portion of the rent, (which is astonishingly low, because of its location in a high crime district of Rochester), and, that I’ll have to think about it. There are many reasons to take the long ride out to a city a couple times a week—a new market, recognition, energy displacement... One of them is even for love (my daughter and her family live there). So, yup, that decides it. A new studio above ground in Rochester, N.Y. and my first patron, Bill the business owner.

Thanks to the hand-to-mouth pretend, our always-empty savings account, and a chicken in the pot every Sunday afternoon, I am fast climbing the ladder of Intangibles Incorporated.

And thanks to everyone who has supported my silly for so long. Stop by any time for a whiskey and a cookie.
Two whiskeys and you might even want to buy a painting.

Love and kisses,







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Hooray! Thank you!

Sounds like your exhibition was quite an experience. I'm happy for you that people came around and your artistic approach to abstract, I must say I really do love it!

Oh thank you very much!
Exhibiting is a natural high—even if it’s in my kitchen. Sharing work with community is a kind of therapy for me:)

even if it’s in my kitchen.

That got me laughing though. But I don't the strong feeling you have towards exhibition, it's nice and inspiring.

Thank you:)

You're welcome friend.

Hola amigo,
Yo me quedo solo con la galleta, dudo que tenga suficiente para comprar un cuadro y no bebo alcohol. Pero dejando eso de lado, me hiciste pensar en una cosa:
No hay una sola casa que haya visitado y no tenga un cuadro (la mayoría son imitaciones obviamente), sin embargo parecen algo impresindible en todo hogar. La clase del cuadro depende del gusto de cada persona, pero hasta en la casa más pequeña y humilde, hay uno, así que es un buen trabajo. Necesitamos arte en nuestras vidas (aunque la gente no se detiene a pensar en ello).
Esos cuadros que se vendieron serán vistos por las visitas de sus ahora dueños y quién sabe, tal vez, alguien más se sienta motivado a querer uno. 😊

Absolutely! Art is powerful that way, as it should be. We’re human. We express ourselves. Money and income from art is not necessary, but that doesn’t mean artist should struggle for basic needs. Long ago in our clans, there was a use for the creative ones. Now in a phony market world, artists are “forced” to turn themselves into commodities. Oftentimes at theses exhibitions I put out barter lists. I’ll gladly trade a painting for nice corduroy pants or a case of olive oil:)

Vaya! jajaja eso no me lo esperaba, un trueque no es tan malo siempre que sea justo el cambio.

pero eso no significa que el artista deba luchar por sus necesidades básicas.

Es cierto!, no debería pero es un trabajo igual, solo que más pasional y de menos ingresos; por que uno no va todos los días a la tienda a comprar un cuadro, es menos rentable. ¿Cómo han sobrevivido hasta ahora?😮 🥺

Has not the artist always “fought” for basic needs? For most there must exist a “day job” to keep them humming. Which is duress, and the enemy of joy and contentment. We turn some very inspiring people out to labor at mindless chores for a rich person’s pyramid scheme—such as sweeping the floor at Mercedes-Benz, a luxury good factory.
Myself, I have kept my wants simple compared to my neighbors. The hand-to-mouth philosophy only works because it is shared with a partner who supports me. Otherwise, I would be deep-frying potatoes in vegetable oil for the unhealthy luxury of fast food in a paper bag, and my art would suffer from lack of practice.
Thank you for getting me thinking on this:)

¿No ha "luchado" siempre el artista por las necesidades básicas?

En realidad es algo que hacemos casi todos, son pocas las personas que deciden trabajar solo en lo que les gusta, si no tienes a nadie que dependa de ti, esa es una posibilidad, pero cuando hay bocas que alimentar la cosa cambia.
Tuve que buscar el significado del boca a boca, como marketing y filosofía de vida, son dos cosas diferentes pero me gustaron ambas.

Gracias por hacerme pensar en esto :)

jajajaja Me gusta lo que hace amigo, ese deseo de ayudar sin ningún interes de por medio, es un don que pocos poseen. 😊
Y también es algo que se contagia, alguna vez vio la pelicula "Pay It Forward" ella lo explica mejor.

Yesterday I cleaned my daughter’s house and cooked dinner for her and my grandchildren. Years ago while raising her, I was a dishwasher and line cook to make ends meet. I took up the study of food because if I was going to serve her soup for dinner, it would be the absolute best soup I could create. For me, art is many things, but also the process of perfecting our limitations.
Actually, I don’t like making pictures as much as I like cooking meals for loved ones and scrubbing their toilets:) I have always thought of painting and writing as a kind of colorful diary explaining real life.
Thank you!

En ese caso te adopto oficialmente!! yo odio la cocina jajajaja
Es cierto, cualquier cosa que hagamos puede ser arte si nos gusta y le ponemos corazón 😊

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Wonderful. Thank you!

Very curious and colorful work! Successes!

Thank you! For a naive painter, color is tantamount:)

You have a very interesting and instructive story. Unfortunately, artists and creative people are often not appreciated during their lifetime. I was curious why the first photo in the picture says Дедушка in Russian?
Я очень удивлен))

Thank you very much. I sign my paintings PoH, because my name is Ron and for years I hated signing my work with my full name (Ronald Throop) because I write upside-down left-handed, and it’s tough to do with a paintbrush. Friends of mine from Russia would write me, and I thought “PoH” was the perfect signature.
This particular painting is of my granddaughter in the mountains. So I signed it “Дедушка”.

You really tried,I appreciate people who act like this 🥰🥰

Thank you.
Must keep painting:)

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