Segundo de introspección / Second of introspection | PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST [ES-EN]

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Hice esta foto rápida a Annerys y Jose Luis mientras esperabamos para irnos, y destaco lo de rápida para indicar que no hubo preparación y ambos a su manera por unos instantes estaban metidos en su mente, no estabamos hablando de nada grave ni que nos tuviera preocupados, tampoco quiere decir que dentro de si esten angustiados en ese instante pero simplemente era un estado neutro que me sirvió para hacer la captura.

I took this quick photo of Annerys and Jose Luis while we waited to leave, and I emphasize the speed to indicate that there was no preparation and both in their own way for a few moments were in their minds, we were not talking about anything serious or that they had us worried It does not mean that inside if they are distressed at that moment but it was simply a neutral state that helped me to make the capture.

En nuestras salidas ellos estan acostumbrados a que yo tome estas fotos espontaneas asi que luego la reacción es natural y con normal curiosidad cuando les comento que logré una buena toma.

Esta me gustó mucho por el primer plano al rostro de Annerys y como calzaba muy bien la postura de Jose Luis de fondo para que el también se viera sin que quedara tapado por la cara de Annerys. Le di luego en edición una tonalidad levemente roja para resaltar sus pieles.

In our outings they are used to me taking these spontaneous photos so then the reaction is natural and with normal curiosity when I tell them that I got a good shot.

I liked this a lot because of the close-up to Annerys's face and how Jose Luis's posture fit very well in the background so that he could also see himself without being covered by Annerys's face. Then I gave it a slightly red hue in editing to highlight its skins.

La cámara que utilicé es una Canon PowerShot A2300, y la edición la realicé con VSCO.

The camera that I used is one Canon PowerShot A2300, and the editing i was done with VSCO.


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