A mesmerizing experience | Visited the largest mosque in UAE | #Burnsteem25

in WORLD OF XPILAR17 hours ago (edited)

Still in awe of how beautiful a mosque can look like. Similar to a palace, all white with a touch of gold. It was truly once in a life time experience for me that I am always going to cherish.

My husband and I got married earlier this year and we moved to Dubai after getting married as he had some office tasks to wind up there and so we thought to spend some couple time as well. We made a list of must to go places and decided to visit them all one by one. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque was one of them. We heard about its beauty and breathtaking views prior to our visit and so we were really excited.

We decided to go there in the evening time so that we can capture its beauty in day time as well as night time. However, the entrance process took us nearly 2 hours to reach the mosque. It was crowded, the chaos was extreme and the walking track was huge. I almost fainted haha! Anyways, We reached at the mosque at sharp 7 after the sunset (Sad reacts to that since we lost the day time beauty) but oh! the the first glimpse had me like wow! It was ethereal! My husband and I took some imagines of the hall before we see the interior of the mosque. Attaching some of the images that my husband took of me!

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Honestly, pictures never do justice to actual beauty. The mosque is so big that you can barely get to see every corner of it. Firstly because of the crowd and secondly because of the hallway which is so huge. The interior of the mosque is all white with a touch of gold and the floor is of fine marble along with other precious stones. Some of its interior such as its dome is almost similar to that of Badshahi mosque in Lahore, Pakistan. However, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is much more bigger with more detailings and fine art work of present day.

It was almost the time of prayer when we got inside the mosque so my husband went to pray in the gents hall and I went to ladies hall room to offer sallah. After we were done with our namaz we then continue walking down the hallway admiring its beauty and capturing them in our mobile phones. One thing I forgot to share is that you are not allowed to enter the mosque with revealing clothes hence, you have to make sure that you wear modest clothes to visit the mosque. In case you don't or you forget to wear, you would have to pay a hefty amount to purchase abaya (A long loose fitted robe) just outside the mosque! You can thank me later if you didn't know this and I just saved your money!

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We didn't get to see few parts of the mosque, because by 9pm I could barely walk and feel my legs haha! So we thought to end our visit and decided to go for the dinner. This was it from our visit to the world's third largest mosque. It is been a month or so since our visit there but I am still in awe of it's mesmerizing beauty. It was truly a life time experience for both of us.


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