⚓ Sailors at work - Refurbish our old bell and belaying pins

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

In the time when I was living aboard a traditional sailing vessel I always took some enjoyment, some zen like moments, when I was working on the vessel. Especially if it repetitive work like picking rust or painting. I was used to chuck in a audio book and start working till everything was finished... The hours just flew by and I deeply enjoyed. Knowing at the end of the day that I did achieve something.

I sat over 13 years in offices and I had the very same feeling of accomplishment too but it was way different. It is quite hard to describe but I love to work with my hands and have a physical result at the end of the days.

Here are some examples.

The ships bell

A bell is a integral part of any boat. Ours is quite old and the last refurbishment seem years ago. I took the opportunity in doing something I never done on such a extended bases. The nice part about copper or brass is that it is not corroding in a salt water environment. Hence a lot of things are made out of these metals. The only down side of these metals is, that they are oxidizing and leave a unpleasant green sheen on the materials.



I could have just try to polish the bell and beliefe me, this would have take ages. I decided to get some vinegar, added salt and bloom and made a slurry out of this. I put this slurry on the parts and waited 30 minutes. After a good rub, I decided to apply another coat of this paste I made and keep the reaction going. The salt + the vinegar make a sort of electric current. I am not quite sure what really happens but I think ions get switched out.


Overall, the slurry cuts down the amount of polishing by 2/3. I am a strong beliefer that you do not need a lot of power in your arms, rather more in your head :-D


And there is the bell in its place.

Belaying pins need some love too!

Belaying pins are needed so that you can put the end of ropes around them and attach them in a secure and neat manner. Usually they are made out of hard wood but they can be from metal too. These are made from wood obviously and they were abused. So lets give them a good scrub, some sanding and a good varnish.




It is quite tricky to varnish something that is round while having a even coating so I came up with this funky solution.


I think the result speak for it self =) - finished for now.

Of cause I did not stop there and refurbished the wood that holds the belaying pins too :-D





Please give this post some steem! <3

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I can understand that sometimes seeing such old parts of for example a ship in your case and seeing the material you want to bring an old shine back. The materials were great quality in the past and it just needs a bit of inspiration, time and love to the work we do. I love new appearance of the bell and that wooden belaying pins look gorgeous. Great job!

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 4 years ago 

I do like the bell too and again something learned as well! It's nice to have something that you see / saw every day in a good or very good shape. I think also that you cherish things a lot more over time if you spend some love on them and maybe you even get some love back - haha :) - How is your painting come along?


Hey @ricpicks thanks for sharing your expertise, this is great! I write to invite you to a short survey about your Steemit activities. My name is Soyoung Park, a doctoral student who studies Steemit users’ value-making activities and personal data practices. Your voice would be a vital part of this research.

This should take no more than 15 min, and will give you 2-Steem coins upon your completion. If you are interested, please take the survey using this link: https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ePzVeLUf8BCladf

Thank you!

  • With the goal of collecting 200 + Steemit user responses, you may find this comment from time to time until it reaches that goal. My apologies for cross-posting in advance.
  • While your participation is completely voluntary, I have to mention that this is NOT spam - this is a part of my dissertation project and you can find the records of compensation payments from my wallet history.
  • This survey is open to any Steemit user who wants to earn some steem coins by answering the survey - please participate if interested!
 4 years ago (edited)

please do me the favor and give me a comment when this is done and you have some results, i think i see where this is leading but still... 5 steem would be more appropriate for the length of the survey but i helped you out anyway :)

In regards to privacy, it is not a good idea that a steemit id is attached to the given data, this should be hashed, or left out since this is personal data + the given answers can be very revealing, almost inappropriate (social status e.g.). I do have some idea how privacy works and what our rights are + the regulatory aspect of this.

fair winds!

Sure you bet. Thanks again for your participation and for replying with this thoughtful comment. Think you raised a fair point. For the amount of compensation, I had to consider the recent surge of Steem. As of now it costs 1.23 in dollars for 1 Steem, and considering the current US minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, I thought 2 Steem could make 15-min participation. Of course it depends on the different amount of efforts each participant makes and the volatility of Steem coin value, so the amount of compensation might be adjusted in response to the market condition.

For the privacy aspect, yeah, there might be a point that each responder can feel it is too revealing. To relieve that concern, I went through my institution's IRB review to ensure that my research wil not harm human subjects and will use it for research purposes only (every user's identity should be anonymized and protected when they appear in any published research). If you find cases where your and any other users' identity have been inappropriately disclosed, you can contact me anytime through the contact info displayed on the front page of the survey. For the social status question, this is just an approximation of how individuals see themselves in their social ladder, not any quantifiable number or classes. Given the Steemit's international user base and various cultural contexts, it is extremely unlikely that certain participants will be captured accurately from this data.

Hope this answer can ease your concerns, at least to an extent. I will try to keep you informed about the outcome of this research.

 4 years ago (edited)

Thank you for that reply. I am happy to read that we are on the same page. I am interested were this will lead. Cool you can keep me in the loop.

And yes, I was thinking that the current price made that steem choice logical :-) - It is all good. I like what you do.


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