¡¡NUEVO CONCURSO!! | "Una imagen, una historia"

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year
Una imagen, una historia

Greetings Steemians!

I thank @franyeligonzalez for organizing an Inspiring contest in the WORLD OF XPILAR community entitled " One Picture, One Story ". This kind of contest not only awakens the creativity of the participants, but also brings out the beauty of uniting visual art with the power of words.

Initiatives like these are invaluable, as they not only broaden your horizons and writing skills, but also bring the community closer together. Such contests provide an opportunity for people To share their stories and Inspire one another.

Thank you for your efforts and dedication, @franyeligonzalez ,In organizing this contest. Hopefully this contest can continue and inspire more people To express their creativity through writing and visual arts.


In a bustling cafe in the middle of the city, two women are sitting in a comfortable corner. They are Lisa and Sarah, childhood friends who have not seen each other for a long time. After a long time apart and living their own lives, they finally had the opportunity To sit together and chat like they used to.

When they saw each other, happy smiles appeared on their faces. In a lively cafe atmosphere with other diners ,they engage In passionate conversation. Lisa and Sarah traded stories about their memorable Childhoods.

Lisa started telling me about their days playing In the playground across from their house. He remembers when they played on the swings, jumped on the small bridge ,and had an adventure To chase butterflies. Sarah listened To the story with great nostalgia and also started telling other stories of their childhood.

Their chat continues as they reminisce on the funny moments, surprises ,and adventures they had together. They laugh Together, Reminiscing about the happy memories that brought them back To that time. Little by little, they feel the warmth of the friendship they left behind over the years.

While sipping their lemonade, Lisa and Sarah also discussed their lives at the moment. They traded stories about careers, relationships ,and dreams for the future. Even though they have walked different paths, they found many similarities In their journey of life and support each other.

Time flew by so fast as they were deep In passionate conversation. There was no longer any awkwardness or distance between them. They feel like the lost time never existed ,and their friendship blooms again as it once did.

Around them, the atmosphere of the cafe became more and more lively with the sounds of laughter ,jokes and chatter from other customers. However, Lisa and Sarah are sheltered in Their own little world ,Preoccupied with their childhood stories and hopes for the future.

When they finally had To part ways again, there was warmth In their hearts. They know that their Friendship will remain strong and that they will make time To see each other again In the future. Lisa and Sarah promise not To wait too long to see each other again.

While walking out of the cafe, Lisa and Sarah realized how much It means To have someone who Understands them completely. They understand that true friendship can last through Time and distance. The two feel lucky To have found each other again ,and they hold new ,warm memories In their hearts.


When they left the cafe, my soul smiled To see two figures that were once separated, now back together. In the midst of the bustle of life, they find warmth In chats and happiness In childhood memories. A friendship rekindled reminds us that sometimes ,the most beautiful love and bonds are those that last through time.

In this contest I invite @newby , @stanley52, @newtonb,@emultiplex and @abdullahw2 to take part in this interesting contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

Oh what an interesting write up. You've been able to write an amazing story just from one picture. This is a very good contest because it helps one to be very creative.

Lisa and Sarah

I must say you made a good choice of names there for your story. it's interesting how the two friends had a meeting again after a while. Nice story bro.

Best regards!

Thank you, @newtonb, for your supportive and appreciative comments on my writing. I'm glad you Found the stories I wrote interesting and entertaining.Choosing the names Lisa and Sara is a simple but Important decision In this story. I'm glad you find it a great choice. These names convey a sense of Familiarity and closeness, as if we can also feel the bonds of friendship they have.

I hope that this story brings you into the warm world of friendship and reminds us of the importance of having deep relationships In life. Thank you for your positive comments ,and I hope you continue to find inspiration and fun In contests and other creative projects.

Warm regards!

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tu entrada, una historia muy linda, la amistad es algo muy valioso y que sin duda todos deberíamos apreciar, tener una persona que comparta con nosotros cosas en común y con quién podamos hablar de está manera es más que necesario.


Hello friend,

Thank you for your support and appreciation of the story. It's true, friendship is something precious and can provide important emotional support In our lives. Having someone with whom we can share something In common, talk openly ,and support one another is a gift that should not be overlooked.
Thanks again for your message, and best wishes To you too. May our friendship continue to grow and bring joy to our lives.


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