¡¡NUEVO CONCURSO!! | "Una imagen, una historia"

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year
"Una imagen, una historia"

Greetings Steemians!

Thanks to @franyeligonzalez for The opportunity provided by the " One Picture, One Story " contest In the WORLD OF XPILAR Community. These kinds of contests allow us To share our creativity and Imagination through writing, as well as connect with a passionate and talented community.

Contests like these not only provide an opportunity for writers To showcase their talents, But also encourage collaboration and brotherhood among participants. Such contests play an important role In encouraging creativity and self-development, as well as enriching our experiences as members of the community.

Thank you for the efforts that have been given by @franyeligonzalez and the team In holding this contest. We hope that this kind of event will continue and inspire writers To continue creating. We are very grateful for the unforgettable experience and opportunity To participate in this amazing contest.


In today's Increasingly busy world, Where life can often be fast and dynamic, Looking back on those childhood days can be exhilarating. In an age not as connected To modern technology as it is Today, Three male friends embark on an Unforgettable journey that will change their lives forever. This is the Story of their journey filled with adventure, Friendship, and self-discovery as children.

Meeting In elementary school, they were Inseparable playmates. Their names are Alex, Ben and Charlie. Together, They explore the world with passion and curiosity. Nothing can stop them from exploring the forest, Playing In the water, and discovering new Interesting places around their village.

One day, when they were playing In the woods near Alex's house, they found an ancient map hidden behind a large rock. Their eyes lit up when they saw the map and they knew immediately that it was a golden opportunity To have an unforgettable adventure. They agree To follow the directions on the map and find treasure that is said To be hidden on a remote island.

With burning passion, They hatched a plan for their journey. They plan To leave without telling their parents, So this adventure will be their biggest secret. At night, When the whole village was asleep, They set off with The equipment and supplies they had carefully Prepared.

Their journey is full of obstacles and challenges. They had to cross swift rivers, Pass through deep valleys, and climb steep hills. However, not a single obstacle could stop their enthusiasm. They help each other, provide support and encouragement In difficult times. Their friendship grew stronger at every step of the journey.

After several days of tiring travel, They finally reached the remote island they were looking for. They were amazed To see the natural beauty that they had never seen before. The island is full of shady trees, white sandy beaches and clear blue sea water. They felt like they found a little paradise in this world.

However, they did not find the Treasure they had hoped for. There were no other clues on The map, Much To their dismay. However, as they sit Together by the beach, They ponder the true meaning of this journey. They realize that this journey is not just looking for Treasure, But more about adventure and The bonds of Friendship they have.

They returned To the village with happy hearts and unforgettable experiences. The journey has transformed them into bolder, More passionate individuals, and who understand more the importance of friendship. Although they found no physical treasure, They did find an even more valuable treasure namely shared experiences and memories.

The story of the journey of three male friends reminds us of the importance of maintaining friendships and making time for adventures In childhood. Not only about the final goal or results achieved, but also about the journey and the togetherness that we have along the way. Childhood is a precious time, where we can find magic In simple adventures with friends.


At the end of this adventurous journey, the three boy friends learn that life is not only about the final destination, but also about courage, friendship and the memories we create along the way. Childhood is a short but precious time, Where magic and courage grow together.

So, let's reflect back on the story of their journey and inspire ourselves To seek adventure in life and maintain lasting friendships, even as we grow up. Because, In truth, the spirit of children will always live in our hearts.

In this contest I invite @newby , @stanley52, @newtonb,@emultiplex and @abdullahw2 to take part in this interesting contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tu entrada, ciertamente uno de los tesoros más hermosos es el de la amistad, y poder experimentar una aventura como esta con nuestros amigos debe ser algo inolvidable. La amistad es algo que debemos valorar mucho, los amigos son nuestros segunda familia.

Saludos y feliz día.

Hola amigo, ¡gracias por tus amables palabras! Tienes toda la razón, la amistad es un tesoro realmente hermoso en nuestras vidas. Compartir aventuras y experiencias con nuestros amigos puede ser realmente inolvidable y enriquecedor.

¡Saludos y que tengas un feliz día también!

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