in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago
Hello friends, it has been a great pleasure to be here as well as being able to welcome the New Year 2022, I’m pleased as well to participate in this contest as my first contest of the year.

It’s always appealing to share and learn from others, that’s how knowledge flows, where yours end is where someone starts.


I’m here to share with you my goals and objectives, and to tell you this is my first time writing done what I want to achieve in a year, so even though it’s just the beginning of the year but this made me feel like I’ve already achieved them, so already I’ve learned something for the year that write your goals down, that’s the best way to go harder to achieve them.

Before I start, I’m a beginner in Programming, I started this long ago when I didn’t even know exactly what I was learning, I became serious about it in 2019 and still, there was no eye-opener until I started with the basics of Web development (HTML & CSS), that was how I got encouraged to write my first “Hello World” code, lol I can’t stop laughing though.

So for the past years, I learned a lot but guess what can’t even recall any, why because I didn’t set any goal or objective but just learn anything that comes my way, which isn’t right.

Before you go into programming, you must know what you want to be because there are lots of job possibilities.

So I decided to write down the programming languages I want to learn this year and all is about going through what I learned from the past years or just to say starting all over again. Here is a list of them.


You can’t achieve a goal without objectives, so as well I wrote down, what is needed to be done to help me get this done successfully. Some included changing my behavior, reading more, and being persistent or consistent.


This is a great start for me I think and I would love to encourage you all to set some for yourself, even though mine seems to be more but I said to myself, I should be able to complete about 60% before the end of the year. I’ve started with my year already….

Thank you all for going through this post abs it should be helpful I think. See you in the next contest, Happy Steeming 🎉🎉🎉


Hola querido amigo, que bien, me alegro por verte en el concurso, espero puedas cumplir todo eso y que te esfuerces en tus objetivos!! Saludos!!


Gracias y estoy muy agradecida de haber sido parte de este concurso.

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