Weekly Contest, "Creating Stories Week #22".||Window.... by @rasel72.||

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

How are you all? I hope you are all very well. Thank you @adeljose for organizing such a beautiful competition. Today I will share a story I wrote with you. I hope you like it. Let's get started. I named the story "Window".



The word lockdown has changed our life completely. It has changed the story of life. It may not be the beginning of the morning like before. We had to run to tuition class after waking up at the call of the morning bird. It flew from my mind like Kaurpur. I could never understand how the whole day could have passed. But when it is dawn, when the birds call, it never seems to get it anymore. The chirping of that sweet bird in the morning is no longer heard. Now the morning starts like a captive bird in a cage. When will the owner call and when will he come and give food. Life has become like a captive bird. In the morning you have to listen to your mother's call, then it starts in the morning. It is like water. If someone calls, it becomes angry.

No more chatting with friends, no more going out. Life has become like the wheels of a bicycle. It revolves around the same point all the time. Life now means stuck in a four-walled house and a mobile phone. The day is like Facebook. , Messenger and playing games. Nature's form is no longer seen. Nature's amazing creations are not seen. But in the midst of so many things, I have enjoyed some of the most beautiful forms of nature. Fine lines of light can be seen, so I have enjoyed the beautiful view of nature through the window of my room. Which may never have been seen before. For a few days I go to the side of my window more often. The light air that comes with it feels very sweet. After a while I start all the work. I may not have understood this fascination before. Even if you stand by the window, your mind gets better a lot of the time.

We may not all understand or enjoy nature. Where there is nothing to see, people may find the true nature of nature. What I have found. When the morning light comes on the green plants. Then looking through the window seems to fill the mind. What a beautiful creation. The little birds come and eat the fruits of different trees. The mind is happy to see that. The trees seem to sway in the wind and want to talk to me. They want to hear the words of my mind. Listen to the birds, come out, talk to us, play and have fun. But you can't go outside anymore. So they try to enjoy those beautiful moments through the window. But I don't know their language, Which is why I may not understand them.

Whenever my mind gets worse, I stand by the window. I think maybe if I talk to nature, my mind will get better. I have never had time to stand by the window before. Because the whole day would be very busy and busy. So there was no time to talk to nature or understand nature. But now I got to know and understand the amazing nature of nature from home. You can't enjoy the beauty of nature just by visiting different places. We can also find our joy from the nature around us. In the afternoon, when the sun is tilted in the western sky, it is very nice to look at the sky. Shows the beauty of all its forms. It fills the mind with the fire of its form. In fact, nature has spread its form everywhere. We will be able to catch its form as soon as we search for it.

I hope you like my story today. If you make a mistake in my writing, please forgive me. Everyone will be fine - stay healthy.

Thank you everyone for reading my post.


 3 years ago 

Greetings my friend @rasel72

Interesting story where the confinement makes you see and enjoy nature, from that window begins to look away to free the mind.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #4


Interesante reflexión amigo ciertamente muchas veces no somos capaces de aprecia la belleza de la naturaleza, la situación actual nos ha transformado en unos pájaros enjaulados pero no debemos dejar que eso nos desanime.¡¡Bendiciones!!


Thank you so much for your comment.

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