WoX #95 - pizzasteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

This is my entry to 'Food' photo-challenge by @mister-omortson — week #95.

A wonderful pizza with pear and gorgonzola, which we got at one good cafe at the Petrogradka-side, I will remember for years thanks to these photos I took with my indispensable wide-angle 16-35mm lens, my first Canon's L-lens (professional series). Isnt that look like a macro?

Чудесная пицца с грушей и горгонзолой, которую мы получили в одном хорошем кафе на Петроградской стороне, запомнится мне навсегда благодаря этим фото которые я сделал моим незаменимым широкоугольником 16-35mm, моей первой "элькой". Почти макро, не так ли?


location: St.Petersburg, Russia May 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D 16-35mm raw-conv
f 2.8 t 1/100 ISO 250


Thanks for the visit!
BLOG is set to 100% powerup, as always.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
 2 years ago 


Pizza with pear I have not tried it but the pizza is a delight, this photo turned out great with that lens I liked it!


pear+gorgonzolla cheese is classic. wish you will encounter and try it one day. cheers!

How delicious this pizza looks, many successes in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Груша и сыр - эта парочка всегда хороша)

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