
in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago (edited)

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Hello my dear Steemians,


This is the new account “Planetwild” by @stef1 and @myskye. This account is about collecting Steem for the PlanetWild project. That's why I'm going to post once a day. Everything we get together here (Steem, SBD, SP) goes to the project. Then let's see what we can do here...



Learn more about our threefold impact strategy


The biodiversity crisis is vast, with a lot of overlapping habitats, species and environments—all of which need protection and restoration. We have selected three areas of the natural world for Planet Wild to focus on: oceans, forests and animals.



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Mission 2


Cleaning up the ocean floor




We’re all used to the shocking images of garbage and plastic floating in our oceans and washed up on beaches, but a much bigger problem lies beneath the surface. 75% of all plastic in the ocean eventually sinks down to the sea floor. Here it suffocates marine life, disrupts ecosystems, creates coral graveyards and is almost never retrieved… until now.



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See you next time here from Scotland, your @stef1 and @myskye


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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  • Unbenanntg-1.png
 7 months ago 

Great, what you are doing now
Will Support your project on Steem, with team Norway

Many years ago, I think it's 40 years ago when my eldest son was in elementary school I joined a school project to make a documentary for my son's class.

Together with the children, we discussed what we should focus on.
There was a lot of talk about all the rubbish and plastic that entered our coast and beaches. With a whole class, we went around to beaches in our district with a video camera and filmed everything that drifted ashore after the winter.
It was terrifying to see all the plastic.

The video was edited into a short version, everyone in the school class spoke out in the video and were afraid of the future with all the litter in the sea

The video was made in several copies and given to the school, the class and several others. A short article was written by the local newspaper about the class and the video documentary, but no one seemed to care.

Hi @xpilar, thank you for visiting our post and also for support.

It is unbelievable that we human are doing the same for so many years, it was good that you did the video that time and for involving the school children. These children will grow up and hopefully will teach their children.

I think such education should be started in young age like nursery and school and more of such talks and documentaries should be shown.

Do you still have the video? You probably could upload in Youtube, so that we can see it too now so many years later.

Enhorabuenas amigos stef1 y myskye, creo que es una propuesta de 10. Desde hace unos 12 años tengo el título de buceo de recreo que cada vez que bajo y veo la cantidad de plásticos, neumáticos, partes de coches, etc... que hay debajo en el fondo marino me da mucha pena. Siempre que buceo llevo una red y mi cuchillo de buceo para arrancar tanza, pequeñas redes y tal, pero es muy complicado cuando se trata de piezas grandes, pesadas o enterradas en el fondo.

Gracias por una iniciativa así y animo. Saludos

Hi @kikenexum, yes, I can imagine that under water we can see everything that human just thrown into water so that we can not see, but those garbage not disappeared but are there on the bed of seas and oceans, many sea inhabitants getting trapped or swallowing all those stuff and can die. Seas need to be protected equally like any other natural spaces. I think it is very good idea to have a net with you and collect some garbage when you are diving. I hope it did not spoil your mood of diving. Thank you for stopping by :)

No estropea mis ánimos de bucear, al contrario, saber que hay gente igual de dispuesta que yo a limpiar el fondo marino me da ánimos. De hecho ya hizo un post hace tiempo donde subí fotos sobre las cosas que recogía en mis buceos y snorkel.

Saludos y animo amiga.

 7 months ago 

That's really a noble cause congratulations.

But are you doing it yourself or you are part of any ngo for this

Hi Neha, we subscribed for doe support of the project, this account is our mission to help this group of people who are on mission and creating many different projects.

 7 months ago 

All the best 👍

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