To those who suddenly started to comment on my posts…

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

There is no doubt that @the-gorilla's initiative to reward people who write (a lot of) comments is a great initiative. I've seen the number of comments on my posts rise drastically lately and discover accounts I never heard of before...


And I certainly don't want to generalize here, some (and they will recognize themselves) abuse this initiative... at least, in my view it is a kind of abuse.
I have a habit of thanking people who are kind enough to post interesting comments with an upvote above the lower limit of 0.02$...
But these days I'm going to take a look at their wallet first...and that's very often enlightening.

I'm not going to name names here, but there are accounts that have been here for 3 years or more and only have +/- 20 SP. It is also striking that these accounts transfer their profits to other accounts that...yes, only have about 20SP themselves and also leave comments and also transfer their profits to...yes, another "strange" account.
Don't forget that everything is transparent on the blockchain... you can track all those moves and they always end up with an account that transfers all proceeds to... an external wallet.

Look, everyone is free to do whatever they want with their earnings. But I personally will not upvote comments from accounts that don't give a damn about the blockchain and don't invest anything at all. you the trouble of commenting on my posts if you match the profile above. I'm ignoring you anyway...


Hola amigo @pixelfan,
Supongo que aún no se ha entendido bien el concepto que quiso transmitir nuestro amigo gorila o tal vez pretendan usarlo erróneamente 🤔 en todo caso, cada quien es libre de decidir a qué comentarios votar jajaja. Lo más curioso de esta publicación es que descubrí que existe una etiqueta llamada "invitado que no hace publicación" eso realmente me sorprendió. 🤣
Saludos, ten un buen día 😊

 3 years ago 

Greetings, I think these initiatives to give points to comments are good, since this motivates people to stay on the platform. But you have to be careful not to judge people for some movements they have in their wallets, without really knowing why they did it. Here on this platform not everyone has money, not all of us are in the stock market selling and buying cryptocurrencies, there are many humble people here, who cannot satisfy a need as basic as a balanced diet, and necessarily what little they can earn here they use it to buy their basic things. For example, in my case, what little I can earn here I use to buy food, I don't know what it will be like in your country, if you can go to the market and pay with SBD or STEEM, here in my country it's not like that, here I have to transfer to be able to exchange my few SBD in the native currency of my country and to be able to go to the market and buy food. I would like to be like you, have a strong account and be able to increase my SP, but I cannot afford that luxury, one day my account on this platform may be strong, but for the moment, I have to cover the basic need as it is food, and I'm not ashamed to say so.

In my eyes, those users like you create account without "face", that means we do not know you. The blog that has no country on it, no posts despite of creating your account in July 2021. I can't imagine how you can earn and even buy food? What for?

Because blockchain has so much to give, there are so many opportunities open to let people earn with their honest interaction. If you want to be seen and supported you should open yourself to others.

 3 years ago 

Just to be clear:
I don't judge people on the movements in their wallets... I also transfer some funds from time tot time when I need them.
What I mean are accounts that never never never power up...always transfer all their rewards to another owned account, doing the same with that account and so on, and so on...
I've been tracing back some accounts with 10 or more sub-accounts...

And BTW, I was not talking about you and I indeed hope that you will one day have a strong account too...but the only way to have that is by powering up, even a small portion of your gains.

I started here with 25SP, like everyone...

 3 years ago 

I appreciate your words since my intention has never been to create controversy, rather, I have proposed to improve myself on this platform with my own effort. I know that I have to make certain adjustments so that my account is strengthened, and I know that I will achieve it, being transparent as it has to be and helping the community in whatever way I can. In my case, I like to make comments, since I consider that when people write a good article, they deserve to be given a good comment to assess their effort. I hope to have the doors open in your next articles to give a comment from time to time. Greetings friend, and once again thanks for clarifying the situation.

Hi @pixelfan I completely agree with you. There are people who comment to receive an upvote, I remember very well one of old user Daniel or @solbadans, who gave 50% and sometimes 100% Upvote for commenter and see how his comment chain was looking ike

I prefer to go to the blog of user and give the Upvote for the post rather for comment.

 3 years ago 

You're right. On the other hand, those who are commenting in the hope to receive an upvote are easy to spot... and I like to reward the others who are taking the time to read the post and comment...

I agree with you, it is like being in the family and letting others feed you and you are there eating and it is all, a sangano that becomes a heavy burden, I comment too much, I like to do it, it also increases my reputation, and my
comments for you are the best ha ha ha ha.
A hug

 3 years ago 

You're not commenting too just always have something to say 😂

Look at it on the positive side, I always have to say why I read the post, your work is not lost, I read and comment , it is better than saying an excellent post.
Happy start of the week

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