Negative Runners

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


When I saw this electrical box, and the setting around it, I immediately knew this was the perfect subject for a colorssplash 😉
Only... normally I would leave the street art in color and everything around it in black and white, but this would not have had much effect... the drawings are in fact in black and white 😂
Thank goodness there was that beautiful weathered brick wall in the background...
By the way, the artist also made a mistake here...if you look closely, his work is a negative of the work on the wall...or maybe that was just his intention...or maybe I'm just thinking too much 🙃

I don't know if you also have these types of cabinets in your streets, but with us you see them on almost every street corner. And a nice evolution in recent years is that street artists are allowed to paint them. The subject is then chosen in consultation between the artist, the city and the local residents. And there are really beautiful works of art to be found...
In any case, even the least beautiful are still a lot better than the standard gray housing that you normally see.

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I think it is the intention of the artist , my vision focuses precisely on that , yours on the box

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