Trip to Zatorland

in WORLD OF XPILAR11 months ago (edited)


Zatorland amusement park. That was exactly the goal of our trip and at the same time the content of my post today. I will guide you step by step through the attractions we saw and tried here.


I have to admit that I got younger this summer. That is, apart from the fact that I also gained weight. Both of these facts have one common denominator, and that is children. I gained weight because I finish everything with them and I don't exercise as much as in previous years, and I got younger because I play with them and go to various children's attractions with them. Like now.

We leave the car in the large parking lot in front of Zatorland. Although on the way to the parking lot, a local man persuaded us to park in his yard. He convinced us that he would give us a lower parking fee. The gentleman probably made a side financial income from renting parking spaces in his garden.

I haven't told you where Zatorland is yet. It is located quite unexpectedly in the town of Zator, Poland, and we could divide it into four parts. Insect park, mythology park, moving dinosaur park and Lunapark.


We are going to see the Lunapark first. It is understandable. Children see carousels and pull us right here. We are going to gradually try one carousel after another. Later we go down the slide on our bikes and finally our kids go to jump on the trampoline. We are lucky. Although we are here in the summer, it is a working day and maybe that's why there aren't that many people here. Entrance to individual attractions is free. As part of the entrance fee to the amusement park, we also paid for entrance to individual attractions.


We enter the marshy forest through a large gate. We have just entered the largest dinopark in Europe in terms of the number of moving dinosaurs. There really is something moving here on every page where one looks. With each of the dinosaurs there is a board with something about it, about its occurrence, way of life, diet...


For example, such an Oviraptor lived approximately 75-70 million years ago in the territory of today's Central Asia. His food probably consisted of molluscs, with which he was able to break open shells with his beak without any problems. Mothers protected their nests from other dinosaurs or from sandstorms. They did not hesitate to die to protect their offspring.


Here we also find the prehistoric bird Confuciusornis. This species is even older and lived 125-120 million years ago in China. It was a bird that only reached the size of a pigeon. It was really small compared to the massive dinosaurs. It is the oldest bird that had a toothless beak. He fed mainly on insects.


And now let's look at the water. Placodontos. It is a marine reptile that lived during the Triassic period. They fed on molluscs. They had thick bones and heavy armor that protected them. Therefore, it is likely that they had to exert a lot of effort to go to the surface to breathe from the bottom.


The last dinosaur I will mention in today's post is Coelophysis. Thanks to the structure of its body, it certainly belonged to the fastest dinosaurs of its time. He lived approximately 220 million years ago in North America. It reached a length of 3 to 4.5 meters. He hunted various small animals and was a loner. However, when the dry season came, he gathered near watercourses where he had the best chance to catch something. When there was a period of hunger, he became a cannibal. At first he ate the young of his own species, then old and sick individuals. One day in the dry season, disaster struck for this species. Several individuals had to lie in wait near the almost dry riverbeds, or directly in them. A massive tidal wave came that they were not prepared for and it swept away everything that stood in its way. She also swept away thousands of individuals of this species.


We leave the forest and enter the mythical Greece. There are characters from Greek mythology on the lake and on the shore around it. And not just characters. Individual events are even depicted here.

Do you know what scene this is?


After Perseus cut off the Medusa's head, he flew over Africa. Among other things, he also flew over the coast of Ethiopia, where he saw a beautiful girl chained to a rock. He landed next to her. The girl told him that her name was Andromeda and that she was the daughter of Kepheus, who ruled this country, and Cassiopeia. It is said that she was chained to the rock in order to free her homeland from the sea monster sent by Poseidon. While they were talking, a sea monster emerged from the depths and approached the rock. Perseus did not hesitate and drew his sword. He said that he would save her if she became his wife. Both Andromeda and her parents happily agreed. Perseus took off and pounced on the monster from above. The wounded woman went to the shore where Perseus reached her. And instead of a sacrifice, there was a wedding.


There are several such scenes on the lake, and if you like boating, you can take a tour around the lake and see these scenes up close.


This trip was a little bit for everyone. The children had fun and we learned something new. But the most important thing is that we were together and got away from work and responsibilities a little.

Thank you.

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