Visit Budapest


We have already seen several cultural monuments in Budapest and today we continue. We get up early, just like the previous days. Our steps lead to the metro, which will take us to the place.

The Budapest metro is the second oldest metro in the world. It was opened in 1896 and is the most important traffic artery in the city. The total length of the metro is 38.6 kilometers and there are 52 stations in it.


We used it to transport ourselves to the one we needed. We get out of the subway, walk around the city for a while and enter the parliament building. I think that the Hungarian Parliament building is an iconic building that I guess everyone knows. The best view of the parliament is from the opposite side of the bank, from Buda Castle. This impressive building took 17 years to build and was completed in 1902. It is interesting that only Hungarian craftsmen participated in the construction and only Hungarian raw materials were used. They almost succeeded, because only 8 granite columns in the parliament were brought from abroad.


The parliament consists of two chambers. They are exactly the same. The Hungarian Parliament sits in one part and the other part is open to the public. However, they did not build it so that tourists could come here to look. Sometimes the Hungarian parliament functioned bicameral. Both the upper and lower chambers had the same rooms where they sat. It symbolically indicated that they had equal rights. The interior is richly decorated with gold and you will also find a red carpet that is almost 3 kilometers long. That is already a proper length.


At first glance, I was attracted by the number of towers on the Parliament building. Later I read that there are exactly 365 days in a year.


We leave the parliament richer in knowledge and take the bus to the next stop. It is the fabulous Budapest Tropicarium. In one of the shopping centers you can enter the underwater world for a few minutes. It is amazing to walk as if on the bottom of the ocean, while rays or sharks swim around and above you.


The tunnel, which is eleven meters long, led me to such a feeling. It's a shame that I wasn't alone in the tunnels, I would have really felt like I was at the bottom of the ocean.



Another attraction that cannot be missed in the Tropicarium is the entrance to the rainforest. I've never been to a real rainforest, but the operator claims that there is a real climate like being in a rainforest. It regularly rains, gets dark and even thunders here. I have to admit that it is quite a humid environment here.


We continue our journey through the city to the Zoo. It's a nice big ZOO with lots of pavilions.


I was most interested in the pavilion with elephants. When they want, they can enter the building and when they want, they can go for a walk outside. They are admirable animals.




It is very hot in Budapest today, which we can also see in the behavior of the animals. Most of them are just lounging in the shade and relaxing. I'm not surprised at all. We are also looking for shade and some possibility to hide and cool down a bit.


We enter the pavilion, which is intended for butterflies. They are full of colors and really beautiful. They fly all around. Sometimes I'm afraid I'll step on one of them.


Recently we were in the sea world and we are in it again. Large aquariums full of fish literally take my breath away. I see fish here that I have never seen before. Like this moray eel.


Not far from here, a crocodile is basking in the sun. So I wouldn't want to meet this beauty in the wild, I thought.


We leave the ZOO a little tired because it was quite a nice walk. However, the day is far from over and we are going to walk to Margit's Island.


It is located between Buda and Pest on the Danube river. There is a large park on the island, which serves primarily for rest and relaxation in the capital of Hungary.

Blooming flowers line the pedestrian promenades that criss-cross the entire island.


The center of the entire island is located near the water tower, which is built in Art Nouveau style.


This quiet and peaceful place was inhabited by Dominican monks in the past. The ruins of the Dominican monastery, which we can still see today, come from the 13th century.



Our penultimate stop is Vajdahunyad Castle. It is an imitation of a historical building from the Transylvanian city of Hunedoara from the 19th century. The castle seems romantic to me. I can vividly imagine the princess walking through the manicured gardens in her beautiful dress.


It got dark and that's the time when we go to see one of the most important Budapest squares. Heroes' Square, together with Andrássy út and Buda Castle, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


There are many statues in the square. They are important Hungarian kings who significantly influenced the history of Hungary and the Hungarian national consciousness.


I am blown away by this place and it looks enchanting at night. I take pictures of every single monarch. I can already imagine how I will prepare a photo book at home and place these photos of the sculptures in it.

Full of experiences and tired, we return to the accommodation. We will sleep well today. And tomorrow we are waiting for a swim in one of the many spas that are located in Budapest. We will go to the Szechenyi Baths, which I am really looking forward to.

Well thank you.

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