Welcome to my Section: Mr. Pepper’s Stories and Tales

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago



It was a summer afternoon, I remember it well, that day my older brother came home with a very beautiful girl, whom he would present as his girlfriend. “She is Sara, my future wife” - my brother said, and I must say that something about her immediately caught my attention, something that deep down was frightening but I decided to ignore. One weekend, with my parents’ permission, I took her to see our cabin near the lake, the next day we received a call from Sara asking us if my brother was already home, because she had a family problem and had to leave the place in a hurry.

Days passed and my brother did not come home, these moments were full of anguish with no traces of him anywhere, two months after his disappearance, the authorities implied that they would archive the case and that there was no progress in their investigation. The pain my family felt was enormous, we were heartbroken and because of this Sara always stayed close to us. Little by little Sara and I grew closer and closer, my parents did not object to this, because Sara proved to be a good girl.

One day, she invited me to take a walk around the cabin, I agreed, we chatted for a while, and as the hours passed we took a break on the dock of the lake, she gave me a drink of a delicious liquor that she brought and was at that moment something inside me trembled, but I did not give importance to those warning signs, I started to fade away and I could notice how Sara took a rope out of her backpack and when I barely noticed what was happening, I was being tied to a huge rock, but itt was already too late. Sara threw me into the lake and as I fell into the bottom I noticed the decomposing body of my brother. And as I plunged into the darkness I still wondered, how did Sara know the exact place where I dumped my brother's body?

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