The Carrot Who Was Tired of Living Underground

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago


There once was a carrot who was tired of living underground. He was a bright and juicy carrot, with a green top and an orange body. He lived in a garden, with other vegetables and a gardener.

He was bored, and wanted to see the world.

He had heard stories from his friends, who had been picked and eaten by the gardener, and who had seen the sun and the sky, the clouds and the rain, the birds and the bees. They had told him about the beauty and the wonder of the world, and how they had been happy and free.

They had also told him about the danger and the pain of the world, and how they had been chewed and swallowed by the gardener, who had teeth and a tongue, a stomach and a throat.

They had told him to stay underground, and be safe.

He had listened to them, and obeyed them.

He had stayed underground, and never left.

But he had also dreamed of the world, and wished to see it.

He had grown a long and thin root, and reached for the surface of the soil. He had peeked through the dirt, and seen a glimpse of the light. He had felt a warmth, and smelled a fragrance. He had heard a sound, and sensed a movement.

He had felt a curiosity, and a longing.

He had wanted to go out, and explore.

But he had also been afraid, and hesitant.

He had remembered the stories, and the warnings.

He had not dared to go out, and risk.

He had stayed underground, and waited.

He had waited for someone, or something, to come and find him.

He had waited for a long time, and nothing had happened.

Until one day, something did happen.

He saw a shadow, and a shape. He saw a face, and a smile. He saw a hand, and a gesture.


He saw a human, and a friend.

She was a young and sweet girl, who loved nature and adventure. She had come to the garden, looking for a snack. She had found the carrot, and was delighted by him.

She greeted the carrot, and introduced herself. She said that her name was Lily, and that she was a traveler. She said that she had never seen such a bright and juicy carrot, and that she wanted to know more about him.

She asked the carrot his name, and where he came from.

The carrot was surprised, and happy. He said that his name was Carrot, and that he came from the garden. He said that he was a carrot, and a vegetable. He said that he was tired of living underground, and wanted to see the world.

He told her his story, and she listened.

She was curious, and sympathetic. She said that she was sorry for what had happened to his friends, and that she understood why he had stayed underground. She said that she respected his choice, and that she would not eat him.

She said that she wanted to help him, and make him happy.

She asked him if he wanted to see the world, and go with her.

He said that he wanted to see the world, and he trusted her.

He said that he wanted to go with her, and be happy.

He agreed to go with her, and see the world.

She picked him up gently, and held him in her hand.

She carried him in her hand, and walked with him in the air.

She showed him the world, and all its wonders.

She showed him the sun and the sky, the clouds and the rain, the birds and the bees.

She showed him the mountains and the valleys, the rivers and the lakes, the forests and the fields.

She showed him the cities and the villages, the bridges and the roads, the cars and the bikes.

She showed him the people and the animals, the cultures and the languages, the music and the art.

She showed him the Warmth, the Mist, the Time, and the BLURT.

He saw everything, and did everything.

He was amazed, and happy.

He thanked her, and said that he loved her.

She said that she loved him too, and asked him if he wanted to stay with her.

He said that he wanted to stay with her, and he asked her if she wanted to eat him.

She said that she did not want to eat him, and she asked him if he wanted to be planted.

He said that he did not want to be planted, and he asked her if she wanted to keep him.

She said that she wanted to keep him, and she asked him if he wanted to be her friend.

He said that he wanted to be her friend, and he asked her if she wanted to be his friend.

She said that she wanted to be his friend, and she hugged him.

They became friends.

They lived happily ever after.

And they never got bored again.

The End

 7 months ago 

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