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RE: How to help Steemit to grow. Ideas + invitation to the brainstorm | club75

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Thank you!

The question remains, who is on the top and who can make the decisions which the SC team can't? Justin Sun? He just resigned from the CEO chair of TRX. I assume, that if he wants to play the diplomat of the tiny country that he probably has never visited before, he should resign from the centralized management of Steemit as well. That was not announced because every mentioning Steemit in media is like the most painful reminder of his failure as the businessman who bought the platform hoping to sell it fast with a big income.

Would that mean that we are without the leader? If there is just hard "no" for any changes if nobody could give the green light for any improvements, we can write a million posts, start promotion campaigns and try to make Steemit prettier and more functional but it will collapse anyway. As long as the decentralization is just the target and was not achieved yet, we need someone who will lead us in that direction or at least won't disturb by blocking any good changes.

 3 years ago 

Justin's resignation won't change anything. He will still have sole power in the Tron. You rightly said that Steemit is a painful topic for him, it is his defeat.

Let's analyze what we have. We have a SC team that is obviously part of the old team. They support quality content. They came up with clubs. In one comment, SC01 wrote that their team could operate within certain limits. Therefore, the support of SC content by the team is authorized from above.

What else do we know? We know that any funding for Steemit development is blocked by the new owners.

As far as I know, booming accounts have appeared on Steemit since the change of ownership.

From all this we can conclude that no one will invest new money in this platform. Support for users who create quality content continues. But for what? Maybe if it raises the popularity of Steemit then it can be sold with minimal losses.

It looks like we are in free swimming. For something to change, another major player needs to be interested in the platform.

What can we do about it? Create tons of quality content? Advertise Steemit on your own? It is unlikely to help.

No need to invent a bike. Everything is good to see somewhere else. There are many projects where the community succeeds on its own. I believe that all people who care about the future of Steemit should be united by a common goal. This requires a large project. Now all the best users are scattered in different communities. Everyone is trying to do something, but these efforts are scattered. We need to recruit a team and work, and it's not just about programming.

I don't think the SC team is the part of the old members. I may be wrong though. Whoever it is, they are on the good side of the rainbow - this one I'm sure. I believe they care a lot about the platform although can't change too much. Also, I miss their comments under posts like this. It would be great if we would have the opportunity to debate with them directly. Know what's possible and what's not. I know they want to be the Switzerland of this platform and it's cool, but the communication in some way has to be possible.

JS won't sell Steemit. It's a young ambitious guy, younger than me. That generation lives with the high ego and image created by social media mostly. Selling Steemit would be admitting that he failed here and he cannot allow that sort of picture to be attached to his history, especially now, when he plays a "politician". He won't sell but also, angry for the community for the Hive war and making a fool of him in all the medias two years ago, he won't invest the money here. It doesn't matter that nearly nobody from those times is on the platform now, that we do not care about Hive, as the conflict is a v-prehistory for us. That's why I'm worried the solution he has chosen is to let steemit die in a natural way and milk it before as much as possible with the bidbots. I wouldn't be surprised if over the half of the top100 users would be his friends or his personal accounts.

Even if he would want to sell, Hive is getting stronger and more developed each month. Who would buy Steemit? It's like buying 1 kg of oranges to make the juice in front of the coca-cola company. A year more of stagnation and we won't be able to develop at all because we will loose that race.

I agree that we need a team, we need to work together but I also know it's easier to say than to do. Not all of us have the same skills to do the same things. Also, even if so, under what leader should we unite? Again, just someone most powerful to change one decentralization by other? Maybe someone who remains on Steemit the longest time instead? Or someone most popular? I think we should learn how to cooperate and cooperate frequently, going with promotion out of our communities, helping each others on every possible way, but not necessarily unite under the leadership of one person or team.

Thanks for your comment and sorry for late response :) also, forgive me if my message is quite unclear, it's very late here. Insomnia makes me more productive but also increases the chances that I will write some bullshit instead of sharing clever thoughts 😉

 3 years ago 

Since you invited everyone to a brainstorming session, here's an idea that would really help. We all produce content here, most of us produce original content, some of us produce original and quality content. What is content? Content is a product that costs money. Why? Because it attracts visitors, and where there are visitors, there is money. Installing Google Adsence ad units would help this platform.

According to this source:

Steemit is visited by 5.6 million visitors a month, which is about 187,000 visitors a day. With the worst CTR = 2%, 3,740 visitors will click on ads daily. If the average revenue from a click is about 50 cents, the daily revenue from advertising will be $ 1,870.

This revenue should be immediately converted to STEEM and distributed to curation accounts in proportion to the number of views their community has received. In this way, STEEM will be under additional constant purchasing pressure, curation accounts will be constantly strengthened, and communities will compete with quality posts for the number of views attracted.

Business plan :)

It will be an opportunity for anyone who develops a new front end for Steem to include advertising. Profits from ads could be shared with users to encourage usage.

Maybe one for @the-gorilla, @starlord28 & co.

cc @papi.mati

 3 years ago 

Thanks for thinking of me and thanks to @o1eh for the suggestion.

I'm not a huge fan of banner ads on websites, especially as so many people use an ad-blocker these days. I did look into it and found this:

Previous Doubleclick data shows just than 5 clicks per 10000 impressions, showing the difficulty of driving direct response from online display or banner ads. Perhaps that is why Google no longer publishes this data. Source

Which equates to only 0.05% which for me, isn't enough to warrant compromising the User Experience for.

I think... this is partially due to advertisers seeking a return on investment themselves and will therefore also only pay once they see a "conversion". E.g. Getting paid 10% by a bookmaker for the amount of money somebody loses on their website for the first 3 months or with Amazon, I think a referrer gets 1% or 2% of that person's sales for a month.

I'll let my subconscious work on this a little more.

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi! I respect your opinion very much. I agree that a site without advertising is much better, but it may not be oversaturated with ad units. 1-2 blocks are enough.


Here are real statistics from my two sites. These are completely abandoned sites, they are non-optimized, non-commercial, one about birds, the other popular science. In addition, the price of advertising in Ukraine is ten times lower than in Europe. Therefore, these statistics can be considered as the worst option.

According to this report, with 67,321 views, the profit is $ 23.40 USD. That is, with 5 million views, the profit will be 1738 USD. Steemit's traffic is about 5.3 million a day, and the price of advertising will be higher, so I expect profits to be much higher.

P.S. Sorry for this image, I have problems with the laptop.


 3 years ago 

Those numbers surprise me so I certainly won't totally dismiss the idea. The templates I'd initially considered working with don't work well enough with the Steemit content so I've found a new one this morning which will work better for the content and could cater for advertising fairly easily so we'll see where things take us 🙂

 3 years ago 

I certainly won't totally dismiss the idea

Glad to hear it. This idea can be developed and modified. It doesn't have to be Google Adsence, it may be a cryptocurrency ad. I think this can still be discussed.

I've found a new one this morning which will work better for the content and could cater for advertising

Glad the work is going. I've noticed that you've become less active, so development takes a long time.

Hola, una de mi ideas para que steemit, pueda crecer, es dejar de tener privilegios, que todos seamos iguales, que se nos tomé en cuenta por el señor o señora @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, que se tome más en cuenta a los usuarios, ya que gracias a nosotros steemit es lo que es hoy en día, aquí solo hay favoritismo por un grupo reducido de algunos líderes y moderadores. Lo digo con propiedad, y de seguir así steemit se viene abajo, no valoran nuestros post, y se nos ignora. Cambien de actitud y verán que volverá a crecer y sera la mejor. Hay una moderadora con privilegio que en sus telegram, nos dicen en forma de burla, que si nos va mal aquí, busquemos suerte en otras plataformas. Y tiene razón, no importa de la forma que lo haya dicho.
Le piden al usuario que voten, y comenten y ellos no lo hacen. Quieren crecer? Vuelvan a ser como lo eran antes. Todo lo que el hombre SEMBRARE, eso recogerá.
Muchos se han ido y los que se irán.
Gracias expuse mis ideas. Bay bay.

 3 years ago (edited)

I've often seen the steemcurator accused of bias towards certain leaders and moderators and it's inevitable that they support a core group of people that they believe are working towards improving Steemit, or making a contribution that others perhaps aren't making. At times, this support will appear misguided or misplaced, particularly by users who do not receive this support.

Perhaps the only way that you can guarantee that we are equal is if the steemcurator and booming accounts stop upvoting entirely? Then the community will be more akin to how it was before with "every man for himself".

Todo lo que el hombre SEMBRARE, eso recogerá.

This is very much true of the privileged moderator who mocks you. It only requires one of you who they are mocking to share this with the community for their privileges to be gone, and the self-fulfilling prophecy of finding luck on other platforms becoming a necessity.

 3 years ago (edited)

Hola saludos, entiendo tu punto de vista apreciado amigo, bueno te cuento ya esa moderadora está recibiendo su lección. Todas aquellas personas y la mayoría mujeres que le reían y le apoyaban sus comentarios mal sano, se han dado cuenta y su popularidad está desapareciendo poco a poco, de echo ya casi ni la siguen. No me alegro, solo se, que Dios es justo y no se goza de la injusticia, lo mejor es dejar todo en sus manos. Muchas gracias por tu respuesta, te deseo éxito y muchas bendiciones ❤️.

Gracias por leer mi comentario espero no haber ofendido al exponer mi idea y lo que he venido sintiendo, no solo yo sino otros usuarios que hemos compartido el mismo sentir y que a traves de esta, he conocido e intercambiado números de teléfono, desde hace mucho tiempo. Espero que está plataforma surja y cresza. 🙋 Fue un placer.

 3 years ago 

Yup, I'll ramp up my development efforts as soon as I recover from covid :)

That's very innovative, tremendous idea. I have never read it before and it seems to be truly useful for everyone!

 3 years ago 

Yes, but unfortunately no one will implement it.

Here's more. You can set up a trading platform in your community. Currency - only STEEM. Entrepreneurs will be able to sell camping equipment at this site. Turnovers would be small, but the fact itself would have a positive effect. A similar trading platform can be made in WOX, where you can sell and buy works of art. There you can also provide the possibility of an auction. But all this requires programming.

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