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RE: We are Stronger Than We Expect

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Through adversity comes strength

That's true. And if you have a hard time achieving something, then you appreciate it more.

This post turned out to be more candid than I had planned.

Tell me please. You are a native English speaker. How many errors in my texts? A lot, tolerable, okay? In general.

 3 years ago 

Your English is very good - better than many who have English as their native tongue.

 3 years ago 

Wow, thanks! I did not expect such words. I often spend a lot of time looking for the right translation. It's a little easier with the text, but when foreigners come to my work and I need to talk to them at least a little, then my brain just boils.

One of the reasons I'm an active Steemit user is that I learn English involuntarily. I even enrolled in English courses, but there you have to study hard, it takes a long time. I had to give up the courses.

When I was in school, at that time our country felt the lack of teachers who would teach English well. Therefore, my knowledge remained at a fairly weak level. Now the situation has changed a lot. Most modern Ukrainian teenagers speak good English. It is very pleasing.

 3 years ago 

I think your brain's doing just fine 🙂 The only thing I notice occasionally is the use of "he" instead of "it" - which is common when using a translator.

It's also common for people to learn English through watching films and even have an American accent as a result. With American culture so popular across the globe, your daughter will no doubt be fluent, possibly with an American twang.

 3 years ago 

your daughter will no doubt be fluent

I'm also sure she'll know English. She has already started studying it at the age of six. I will try to provide her with the conditions for this.

American accent

One day I had dinner at the same table with two Germans, an Italian, a Japanese and an American. Everyone spoke English. The American pronunciation is very different, you can immediately recognize that it is American.

 3 years ago 

One day I had dinner at the same table with two Germans, an Italian, a Japanese and an American

This sounds like the beginning of a joke. I know that it isn't, but it sounds like it.

That must have been very interesting - with your Ukrainian accent too. A vibrant mixture of cultures.

 3 years ago 

This sounds like the beginning of a joke.

When I wrote this, I also thought it sounded like the beginning of a joke.

It was a conference hosted by the Japanese company Asahi Kasei. After dinner we had dinner. There really was a mixture of cultures.

Speakers from England also attended the conference. They are more difficult to understand because they use much more complex language constructions and unknown synonyms. But the native speaker sounds perfect.

 3 years ago (edited)

the Japanese company Asahi Kasei

I was hoping that would be the beer Asahi... I must confess to being a little disappointed that it wasn't 😟

They are more difficult to understand because they use much more complex language constructions and unknown synonyms.

We also have so much slang and our language is becoming increasingly "simplified" by simpletons who don't learn how to speak and write English any more. Additional, unnecessary words being included in sentences which add nothing but can easily confuse. Like the word, like. "I'm like, super happy right now." Usage of the word "of" instead of "have" - "I should of done something" is just wrong.

the-mrs-gorilla's friend has a friend who named their child "Arry" instead of "Harry" because, and I quote... "We wouldn't pronounce the 'H' anyway". Our language is going to shit.

 3 years ago 

I was hoping that would be the beer Asahi

Unfortunately, the conference was not about beer. It was a highly specialized conference on ion exchange membranes, electrolysis and all kinds of chemistry, which is completely uninteresting to people.

Our language is going to shit.

I think you are exaggerating. But your language really pays for world domination. English is spoken almost all over the world and everyone adapts it to their customs, their native language and others. I think this is a problem not only of the English language. Globalization mixes people, languages, nations. I see that there are a lot of English words in the Ukrainian language now. If you want to talk about the latest technology, phones, computer components, then almost all the words are in English. There are simply no equivalents in our language.

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