ONE IMAGE, ONE STORY; The yeast of baker street

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago (edited)



A mystery in a place, a lonely street with too many people walking around in their sleep.
Well,they're not exactly walking because walking requires the deliberate act of, you know, ‘walking ‘.
Neither are they asleep, to be fair, most people living outside of Baker Street like you and me hardly get any sleep.
Allow me to adjust the dim bulb light hovering above your head so it's
bright enough for you to pick up what I'm putting down. These people do not get any sleep because they live in a sleep. Still dim? Okay.
It's 2280, you're long dead but still, follow my story like a bored little ghost from the antique age you call ‘digital’. Everyone lives on Baker Street, those who can't afford to move to Baker Street are dead. Wealth is a barbaric concept and term in these times, there's no money, no possession,
Karl Marx would have loved it here, just kidding, no, for real, he would have. It's a world where there's no need to acquire any form of wealth, in totality it's a world of no needs. “ We don't chose our dreams but not on Baker Street!”.
The voiceover declared in the Bio-virtual reality commercial that went on to become the reality of this world.
On Baker Street, no one is born neither does anyone die, It's an endless dream world where you choose your dreams but, there's a but. Once you step into Baker Street there's no coming back, it's a limbo. Everything is too real to be called a dream, but it is what it is.
The people, their sparkly teeth, the castles, their dungeons, and all the weird or gorgeous places and
people you could ever dream of, everything made physical to your wish in a metaphysical

There you go, a well-lit bulb. What's the mystery I spoke of earlier? It's a person, Lois. She lives
on Baker Street but dreams of a world before Baker Street, a world where the streets were dark
enough to feel endangered because a shadow was stalking you on your way back from the
grocery store, where love was hell because the wind goes past you slower than the people you
love. She loved the terrifying alarm clock that screamed at her every morning to get ready for
work and whatever pay she got at the end of the miserable day paid the rehabilitation bills for
her mother. Maybe a little intoxication could help her cope, she thought, If she took her life,
she'd just wake up in a new dream she chose. But this was what she wanted, the life before the
It's Saturday, and Lois doesn't have to sit at that squeaky desk pretending to be the nicest
person in the world to a bunch of bubble-headed teens. She does love teaching as a profession,
she just has a problem with the species that demands to learn.
How could she tell them to stop learning so the world didn't grow into what it became? Even if
she did manage to stop them from learning, it was all a dream and wouldn't affect the real
snoring world. Lois lay in her bed thinking how perfect her current life was, She'd lived like a
thousand dreams before this, but non could she create to be this perfectly imperfect. On
Saturdays, She organizes a circle of trust therapy sessions for some lost souls seeking a bond
to keep them strong and moving. She looked at her clock, it was nearly 4 p.m. She goes to war
with laziness and wins, forcing herself into the cold shower to get prepared. A text comes in
when she was in the shower, it was from the rehab facility her mother was held up at, and it
“Hello, it seems your mother ran away from our facilities, AGAIN! And we don't have any idea
where she could be. We were hoping for your help ”
Lois fist-rammed into the table several times as she read it and yelled
“ Why Ma!”. Lois canceled the meeting with the lost and broken, running to find her lost and
broken, Maybe tears were rolling down her eyes as she drove from street to street as dusk
rolled in, but she was happy, this was much better than being a goddess or an underwater
queen. Lois burst into every liquor store, searching every nook and cranny for her Ma. As it got
darker she started to lose hope of finding her, her car was out of gas, and the damn car always
consumed so much gas in a short time after her ex sold the original engines. So Lois decided to
take the train home, she had strayed too far.
It was lonely at the train station but Ma was there, Lois ran over to her with a hug of
frustration and love. Ma was either too surprised or too high to shove her away
“Ohh, cheeks” Ma screeched through the tight hug.
“What are you doing here, why did you run away, again!”. Lois cried out, her voice a mixture of
frustration and love.
“ Relax, I didn't run away to get booze or some other thing you think I ran away for “ Ma
explained, sounding strained from the drugs. “I ran away so I could see you “
“To see me?” Lois inquired with doubts
“Yes, cheeks, that's that's why I'm in a train station… damn it”
Ma reached out a rough gift bag she was holding tightly onto, though her hands were evidently
shaking from drugs.
“ Today's someone's birthday and they weren't gonna let me see her. So I ran to give her a gift. I
swore I'd go back to that pig cell you put me in once I got this across to you “
“It's my birthday?” Lois asked, her voice trembling as she blocked a tear from escaping her
“You poor thing, did you forget your birthday 'cause you gotta work to pay my dumb bills,
cheeks “. Ma caressed Lois's hair and her cheeks as well
“ I don't have work today, I just forgot “
“It's fine, aren't you gonna look inside? “. Ma suggested
Lois unwrapped her gift that wasn't even properly wrapped in the first place, they weren't even
gift wrappers, just empty colorful snack sacks with tapes. It was a book titled ‘Baker Street

“Ma, Where'd you get this?” Lois questioned in fright. No one in this dream should know about
“ I wrote it before you were born, cheeks “. Ma laughed softly, In nostalgia. A train heading back
in the direction of the rehab came by, Ma told her beloved cheeks she was willingly headed
back to rehab and she didn't have to follow her, of course, she was lying and Lois knew this but
didn't feel like tagging along to stop her bad decisions. Lois sat at the train station reading that
book, and a further mystery was beginning to unravel. A way out of Baker Street was possible

If you read to the end, I believe you love the suspense at the end of my write-up, Pls kindly comment to get more. I kindly call on @bossj23 and @akwaowo to read my story and comment on it,Thank you @franyeligonalez for such an amazing contest and captiviting image


Hola, muchas gracias por tu entrada ,una historia muy interesante. Nos complace darte la bienvenida a la comunidad. También te recuerdo leer las reglas de los concursos, en este caso la historia debe ser contado en base a la imagen de referencia, no veo mucha similitud en tu texto.

Te sugiero también separar los párrafos y justificar los textos, para que la publicación no se mire tan saturada.

Te invito a visar el resto de nuestras actividades, espero seguirte viendo por aquí. Muchas gracias por tu participación. Saludos!!

Okay friend, I would arrange this better next, it became saturated because of the app i typed it from. Thank you for the advice i will do better next time🥰

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