Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #85

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!




p r e s e n t s

Weekly food photo #85

This week is gone. The next began. That mean It is the to start our weekly challenge. Today it is very difficult for us to choose the best photos. You sent a lot of very interesting spectacular photos. So... Let's choose the best of the best!

At first we would like to congratulate @eto-ka, who got most number of upvotes.
Prize 0.75 Steem+WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

"Две палочки" - крем-брюле с вишнёвым джемом и безе

Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the collage in the top of the post. The first one is... is... is... a participant @qwerrie

Prize is 1.5 Steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote
Our congratulations!



Silver goes to... @wnfdiary
1.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


Bronze goes to.... to @adonisr
1 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote
coffee with milk accompanied by some delicious chicken puff pastries


0.75 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote



0.5 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

0.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote


The participant will get upvote on posts created in the WORLD OF XPILAR community

That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(

Competition start on 19 of June and ends on 26 June (payout time)

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo

It's very easy! Grab your smartphones and take photos of everything edible around you! I am waiting for your photos!


We need sponsors!

And... we need some steem for prizes

That,s all for today!

Stand by

Sincerely yours





You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

 3 years ago 

Hi @mister-omortson and all the food lovers.

For this particular occasion I have reserved this cheese board with quince jelly and almonds.

I look forward to whetting your appetite.

S'Olivera 641.jpg

Que bien se ve eso

Saludos mi participación


Muy linda decoración.

Gracias es una forma diferente de ensalada 🙂 me alegra que le haya gustado.

Colorida y deliciosa @alblin16

Si señora @sacra97 a mi papá le encanta ensalada y siempre me gusta complacerlo. Saludos

Not a fan of the red sauce but the rest looks good ;)

Una obra de arte.

Традиционная закуска под водку под названием "То, что надо!"

Селедочка с перепелиным яйцом на поджаренном бородинском хлебе, маринованные грибочки и огурчики, килька пряного посола и охлажденные рулетики из свиного сала.....


Ммммм, как аппетитно!

Que sabroso se vé

Se ve muy delicioso.

Don't mind me digging in :D

Felicitaciones @eto-ka, @qwerrie, @wnfdiary, @adonisr, @alblin16 y @liasteem. Muchísimas gracias por el premio @mister-omortson. Una semana llena de éxitos.


it looks delicious!

Thank you very kind support @qwerrie

Will you give me one from this taste?
I never eat like this, the food look so yummy, good luck sista... 😇👍

if it was, it was a very complete breakfast. Thank you very kind support.@liasteem

Si lo estaba era un desayuno muy completo. Gracias por el apoyo muy amable.

Gracias señora @sacra97 felicitaciones para usted y los demás seleccionados. Bendiciones para todos 🙏

Muchísimas gracias a tí @alblin16

Mucha gracias @sacra97, igualmente parar ti.
Toda una delicia la que nos compartes esta semana.

Muchísimas gracias @adonisr

Me encanta la presentación y me imagina que es una delicia.

Muchísimas gracias , si resultó una deliciosa combinación. @avibauza

Se ve rica, me parece que tenia pure.

Revoltillo, aguacate una delicia.

Ya lo creo....

I like how healthy this looks. Yum!

Delicioso y variado mi querida @sacra97🍎🌺😁🤗

theres some very teasing and appetite looking stuff in the top today! congratulations to all winners.

Большое спасибо всем проголосовавшим и @mister-omortson!!!
Я очень рада!
Поздравляю всех победителей!

Для нового этапа необычный десерт, который я попробовала недавно в буфете Большого театра. В прозрачной посуде видны слои: внизу наполненение с семенами чиа, наверху нежнейший манговый мусс. И ягоды голубики. Всё вместе оказалось очень даже вкусно.


Очень интересный десерт, манго - распространенный фрукт в моей стране, но есть много разновидностей, и я люблю его. Я представляю вкус этого десерта

Спасибо! К нам манго везут издалека. Я лишь недавно распробовала их и полюбила. Очень яркий вкус и аромат.

Oh, wow! Another masterpiece!


А у меня шашлычок!

I am craving for this a while ago. Now my mouth is watering lol!

Hola a todos, felicitaciones a los ganadores y suerte a los participantes con esas suculentas fotos de comida.

Pizza con salsa Caprese, Tomate, Albahaca y Bordes de queso, hecha en casa.

Deliciosa con ese toque de albahaca. @avibauza

Si que lo estaba casi de restaurant XD....

Seems like a wine has to go with that :D

Seria muy buena opción XD...

Saludos amigos Felicidades a los ganadores.

 3 years ago (edited)

Una delicia @javima

Gracias mi querida @sacra97 es una deliciosa fruta llamada Pijiguao que sabe a Guanabana y expide un delicioso aroma a melón.❤️🤗😁🌺🍎

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