A few thoughts on Steem promoting

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

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"A few thoughts on Steem promoting"

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Today I want to share some thoughts how to promote the steem. We all are seeing serious changes on the platform. @stemitblog is making a titanic efforts to attract new members to the platform. The size of rewards for written posts has taken on an unprecedented scale. Getting a reward of $ 100 per post before the diary game was almost impossible, it was the lot of the elite. Today, any member of the platform can receive such great reward, it has become a reality of the platform. A steemian no needs longer to be an outstanding photographer or artist, musician or wealthy traveler to get good post rewards. He only needs to show perseverance and patience. He can write about his everyday situation, about the events of an ordinary day in his life.

We are all witnessing a serious effort to democratize the platform that @stemitblog is doing!

The best recruiters receive now huge rewards. This is true, because they put in serious effort, and it should be rewarded. However, I noticed that recruiting has a certain one-sidedness. Looking at the recruits of the Russian community, we can conclude that 95% of recruits are not newcomers, but only old participants who returned to the platform (who once left steem for various reasons) attracted by a generous reward in the diary game. It seems to me like a kind of self-deception.

Yesterday I decided to do an experiment. I had a meeting with my art school classmates in one of the city's cafes. We exchanged news, looked at each other's art works and pictures. At some point, the conversation turned to the sale of paintings. I started talking about the #steemit. I noticed great interest from the audience. But when it came to crypto exchanges, crypto wallets and other aspects of the blockchain, I felt a drop in interest. I demonstrated the registration process on the platform and saw that this process seemed too complicated to my friends. That is why Steam and other platforms based on it have a constant number of participants. They only flow from one platform to another, like water in communicating vessels. We need a revolution.

Here I wondered how great it would be to simplify the registration and authorization process. Fingerprint authorization in the blockchain!? I think this is a matter of the near future!
Recently, @stephenkendal proposed a Steem smart card. If this succeeds, then it will be a qualitative breakthrough in attracting the masses to the platform!

Stand by

Sincerely yours


#worldofxpilar #life #blog #hive-185836 #whalepower #upmewhale

 4 years ago 

Promoting #Steem has always been my Number 1 focus for the past +3 years and I am pleased to see more people are now appreciating the importance of promoting #Steem.

#Promo-Steem was set up to be a totally "Open-Source" Project and free to use by anyone.

I am pleased to see that more people are now using the tag.

Looking forward to continuing to promote #Steem over the next 3 years and see where we are in 2023.


 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Ну, по части "щедрой награды игры в денвники" - это ты леща конечно кладёшь на солнышке.
Уйти со свой работы лишь ради того, что бы стимить "как я пол-дня провёл в автосервисе", и на это жить - я пока не могу ;))
Щедрее, чем моя нынешняя офф-лайн-профессия, Стим будет не скоро, хе-хе..
Да и не за "щедростью" сюда "старо-реги" пришли.
Просто GOLOS откинулся лапками к верху, вот и ислучился разовый всплеск "переходов". В сентябре там окончательно крышка захлопнется - подойдёт может ещё человек пять.

Но содержательно, ты в главном прав: регистрация на Стиме - эпический геморр, причем особо никакими ништяками не мотивированый. Особенно в свете нового "Закона о крипто-активах". С такм узким входным лазом о развитии можно и не мечтать. Причём , напрягает неопределённость. Наверное, сама по себе входная фильтрация необходима, но надо бы её как-то сделать понятной, штоле.

 4 years ago 

Небольшой совет, старина... попробуй понизить градус "кислотности"!

In order to attract people there should be something that would differ Steem from other similar blockchains like Hive, Eos, Blurt, one of them would be atomic swaps with Tron, that would shoot up the price for Steem, as you know the crypto prizes are slowly going up but Steem and Hive are not really doing progress.

Without changes and interests on top level Steem will not move forward. The management should understand that and do something on their level.

 4 years ago 

I don't see a lot of newbies yet. These are mainly those who came back

Для полного понимания "самообмана", мне хотелось бы сказать следующее. На начальном этапе Игры дневников не было никаких рекомендаций по новичкам. Предлагалось приглашать всех, кто не участвует в игре. Лишь за 2 недели до окончания первого сезона #steemitblog поднял бонус за "новичков" и отдал предпочтение новичкам.
Вы пригласили новичков? Я рада всем кто вернется, не должно быть мертвых аккаунтов на Steemit и разницы нет новичок это будет или готовый участник, понимающий, что такое криптомир.

 4 years ago 

Прошу учесть, что здесь нет обвинений или осуждений, здесь мысли о развитии платформы

я ответила на реплику о "самообмане". Я с ней не согласна.

Thank you for your input on this.

Have you seen that Steem has had a new instant signup system for the past couple of months?

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