Weekly Contest, "Playing photographer #9. Fruits

Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓


Picture No 1 all Fruits

Hi I am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore Pakistan. Come first time to participate in amazing contest about Fruits Photography. So i tell you The benefits of Fruits.

"Benifits Of Fruits"
Organic products are nature's nourishing fortunes, offering an overflow of medical advantages. Loaded with nutrients, minerals, and cell reinforcements, they support generally prosperity and illness anticipation. The high fiber content guides processing, advances gut consistency, and keeps a solid load by advancing satiety. Also, natural products are wealthy in water, keeping the body hydrated and adding to brilliant skin.

Their normal sugars give a fast jolt of energy, pursuing them a brilliant decision for pre-or post-exercise snacks. Besides, organic products contain phytochemicals and cell reinforcements like flavonoids and polyphenols, which battle oxidative pressure and irritation, lessening the gamble of ongoing illnesses like coronary illness, diabetes, and certain diseases.

Besides, integrating different vivid natural products into your eating routine backings resistant capability, upgrading your body's capacity to ward off contaminations and sicknesses. Ordinary organic product utilization has been connected to worked on mental capability and a diminished gamble old enough related mental deterioration.

Past their medical advantages, natural products are adaptable and flavorful, making them an agreeable expansion to any dinner or bite. Whether eaten new, dried, or mixed into smoothies, natural products offer a helpful and delightful method for supporting your body and fulfill your taste buds. With such countless assortments to look over, there's an organic product for each sense of taste and nourishing need.


Picture No 2 Strawberries.

"Benefits Of Strawberry"

Strawberries offer a plenty of advantages stuffed into their lively red tint. Plentiful in cancer prevention agents like L-ascorbic acid, they support resistance and battle irritation, helping with sickness avoidance. They're low in calories yet high in fiber, advancing stomach related wellbeing and supporting weight the executives. With their elevated degrees of potassium, strawberries support heart wellbeing by directing circulatory strain.

Their overflow of folate adds to cerebrum wellbeing and may decrease the gamble of mental degradation. Furthermore, they contain intensifies like ellagic corrosive, which might have hostile to malignant growth properties. Remembering strawberries for your eating routine can upgrade in general prosperity while tempting your taste buds.


Picture No 3 Watermelons.

"Benefits Of Watermelon"

Watermelon, basically made from water, is a hydrating and restoring natural item. It's a rich wellspring of supplements An and C, key for staying aware of strong skin and supporting safe capacity. The amino destructive citrulline found in watermelon could further develop heart prosperity by propelling vein expansion and controlling heartbeat.

Also, watermelon contains cell fortifications like lycopene, which can diminish aggravation and oxidative tension, conceivably cutting down the bet of progressing afflictions. Its low calorie and high fiber content make it a great chomp that can assist with weight the board and advance stomach related prosperity. As a rule, watermelon offers a brilliant strategy for supporting and hydrate the body.

Hope so You guys like my post. I invite my Friends to take part @event-horizon @iqraa100 @goodybest.

Thanks 💕

Best Regards 😍

Maryam Nadeem


It's like a fruity cornucopia! What's white at the top of the photo? These fruits are similar to root vegetables that we call radishes :)

Yes, of course, these are all fruits. The white color above is called guava. Radishes are not like this. Radishes are long. We have long radishes here in Pakistan. This is guava.

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The fruits you have mentioned in your post and their benefits are very good. These fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.

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 3 months ago 

Greetings friend @maryamnadeem

Good photographs, I find the way you describe the properties of the fruits interesting. It is important that the photos do not go through an editor.

Thank you for joining the contest.

Participant #3

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