Weekly Contest, "Creating Short Story Week #6". /Concurso Semanal, "Creando Microrrelato Semana #6": Witch! (Eng./Sp.)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Hello, Steemians, especially those in World of XPilar :)


It's my pleasure to post my second entry to the Weekly Contest, "Creating Short Story Week #6". /Weekly Contest, "Creating Short Story Week #6". You can click on this link to read the contest post; perhaps you'd like to participate. Just make sure your story has no more than 150 words :)

Thanks in advance to @adeljose for the initiative and to World of XPilar for providing a space for the promotion of literary culture and imagination.

I wrote the story and translated it. Each version has exactly 150 words :)




It was noon. Eliza was mixing herbs in the mortar. A claw-like hand made of smoke came out of the copper cauldron, enchanting the air. Inside, the tentacles still snaked.

Augustus watched her from the lounge. Eliza watched him back as she added the second, third, fourth ingredient... Dazed by the effluvium, he dropped into the chair from which he had almost managed to rise, pulled by the trembling hand of Mireya, the young woman who accompanied him. He’d no longer escape, though he probably didn't know it. Not yet. Unsuccessfully, Mireya begged him to accompany her as her heart broke. Had she finally lost him? Witch! she wanted to say out loud. Eliza smiled at her as she whispered her victory spell.

Augustus couldn't resist tasting that delicious dish Eliza would serve. It was during that lunch he’d decide to court her instead of Mireya, amidst the bewitching smells.




Era mediodía. Eliza mezclaba hierbas en el mortero. Una mano como garra hecha de humo salía del caldero de cobre, encantando el aire. Adentro, los tentáculos aún serpenteaban.

Augusto la observaba desde la sala. Eliza lo sabía; agregaba el segundo, tercer, cuarto ingrediente… Aturdido por el efluvio, Augusto se dejó caer en la silla de donde casi había logrado levantarse, halado por la mano temblorosa de Mireya, la joven que lo acompañaba. Ya jamás se libraría, aunque probablemente no lo sabía. No aún. Sin éxito, Mireya le rogó que la acompañara mientras su corazón se rompía. ¿Al fin lo había perdido? ¡Bruja! Quiso decir en voz alta. Eliza lo sabía; le sonreía mientras susurraba su conjuro de victoria.

Augusto no podía resistirse a probar aquel delicioso plato que pronto Eliza serviría. Fue durante aquel almuerzo que decidió cortejarla en vez de a Mireya, entre aromas y sabores que lo embrujaban.


Text and pictures are mine.


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Thank you so much for reading.


 3 years ago 

Saludos amiga @marlyncabrera

Interesante relato donde dos nuevas sensaciones se hicieron presente ante una discordia situación, siendo el almuerzo, la fuerza que unió los sentimientos de esos dos seres.

Gracias por su entrada al concurso.

Participante #23

Muchas gracias por leer y aceptar mi entrada, @adeljose 😊 ¡Saludos!

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