Berenissa, A Burning Soul

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


Happy afternoon my people, I hope you are well and welcome to my blog, today I wanted to bring you a drawing with space or alien theme, and therefore I present to you Berenissa, a burning soul; I decided to invent this character as a kind of girl with great power within her: Berenissa, A Burning Soul; (Berenisse) belongs to an amazing race of aliens which has a large reserve of energy within them, and this energy manifests itself in the form of fire or flames which emanate from any part of his body (Berenissa) is the most powerful of all his race, and without her knowing it is capable of destroying anything with his great power, including his own planet in case of proposing it:



My main idea was to create a kind of alien girl, and as you may already know I like to create alien characters with a very similar appearance to humans, as I have always felt that these species are very similar to ours; at least physically. Anyway I created her (Berenissa) in a structure as if she was observing the palm of her hand, as if something was about to emerge from it; after the sketch I started to apply the corresponding colors to each section of the sketch, and I always have the habit of starting with the skin where in this case I used orange tones.


I was giving shape to the skin and more specifically to the face which would be the most visible part of the skin, here I used very intense orange tones, especially for the shadow areas such as the nose, eye sockets and chin; I softened everything slightly with a lot of patience so that the skin would look better. Once the skin was finished continue with the clothing, in this case I decided to paint a kind of neoprene suit like the ones you see in many movies and series; the gloves I created with a texture like a very shiny space latex, I did this with the help of red tones, red wine and a lot of white for the shines of the texture.


For the hair in this case I decided to use more reddish and unconventional tones, because after all it would be an alien character, I also tried to create the hair quite similar to that of a human woman; I used soft tones and airbrush to soften the relief a little, and then with a small brush I was painting the breasts one by one and with great patience. The creation of the details of the face like eyes and others is often complicated and more in fantasy characters, but well here I let the inspiration flow, I used very similar tones to the hair and brushes a little thinner and smaller; besides these brushes that I used had a slight rough texture and a little texture of tree branches for the inner part of the iris of the eye.


Finally and to finish my drawing in a good way I decided to paint a kind of giant space moon which orbits the planet (Berenissa), I painted it with very yellowish and orange tones; then with the help of gray and white tones I painted a kind of dense and enveloping fog that covers the surface of the planet. Finally I added a couple of orange lightning bolts in the back which would give a cooler appearance both to the planet and to my drawing; another thing that I used with the lightning layer was to create a new layer with the same effect to paint what would be the flare or fire of energy that comes from the palm of (Berenissa's) hand.



  • Sai Paint Tool Program
  • Huion inspiroy h610 v2 tablet


That's all for today and I hope you liked the illustration; I send you all a big greeting and I'll see you very soon in a new drawing, see you soon.

 last year 


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