in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)




Q) Why millionaire?

In this almost every 4th person wants to become a millionaire and why not? In todays world one should be more than just rich as life have many turns and on every turn you need money you can not survive without money. In this world you need alot of money at many points.

Q) Why people cant become millionaire?

In order to become a millionaire one need mainly three things.
1st - Consistency. Many people get motivated by some motivational speakers or something and work really hard on day 1,2,3,4,5 and then they forget what they were working for this is not consistency it better to be called intensity.
2nd - Time management. People really manages to work really well on day 1 but not goes for day 2, not goes for day 3 and slowly you know what happens... People need to understand that they need a strict time table and discipline mind for it.
3rd - A vision of right direction. People work really hard on day 1, day 2, day 3 and they actually do it for a long time but still they could not become a millionaire because they are not working in a right direction.

Q) So how one can overcome the problems listed above and become a millionaire?

1ST- Lets first talk what actually consistency means, it does not mean doing too much hard work in a day it actually means doing same amount of work everyday. To keep yourself consistent one can take few measure that can show you how much work you did that day. So what are these measures? There are many but the most used are 2 that i am going to share with you.
First one is writing a dairy every night before sleeping it will tell you if you have did a fine amount of work or not.
Second one is recording small videos of yourself before the window telling what you have done that day.

2ND- lets understand what time management actually means people really think skipping few things of our daily life and working for our goals but it actually means making a clean time table of everyday, and yes i am talking about everyday because many people will make time table like i will wake up 4am in the morning and then go to gym and then will study or read some books then work but it actually could not happen right? I mean think everyday you dont have the same task like if you have free time today at 10am it might not be the same in the next day for example- Have to go to church or having a dinner plan etc..
So how to manage your time? So first you need to decide what amount of free time you get everyday and to find this free time out you dont have to sit on your chair and think what you would be doing on sunday, monday, tuesday but what you need to do is to get a page and start from monday to sunday write everything you did that day and according to which you decide your time. And then listen to me carefully cut out all distubing things from your surrounding and second thing when you start with your time table set a small goal like a month then take a break of few days and then start again but this time increase your time like 1month and 7days and repeat this again but eveytime you start again increase it a bit. This will help for sure.

3RD- So this is the most important thing you need to know about. If you are working on a business but you not making any progress even if you are consistent and know how to manage your time this simply means you are doing things in a wrong direction.
So how to know if you are on the right track? To know this search for some successful person or search the average time of noticing the progress in whatever work you are in. If it tells you that you are in the starting phase then it could be fine and may be you have a long way to go. And if it tells you that you have been working for more than average time then you need to understand that you are in a wrong direction.
So how to find the right direction? My english teacher once said in my class "Life is not meant to live by experiencing new things some times it is meant to be lived by others experiences. " You might understand what i am going to say now. Yes, to know what wrong thungs you are doing go for other successful people opinion i mean if you are facing some problem so it could be many other who would have find the solution of your problem. Never feel ashamed to ask for others opinion. But if you could not find any solution for your problem talk to some ecperts and take the step according to them. " I never know the answer, i only says what i believe that i would regret the minimum "- levi ackerman.

One more thing you can read this guide if you have a budget i would surely suggest you to get your self one. I mean if a self-made millionaire lets you into his secrets of how he founded and sold a company and made millions. If you dream of being worth a million dollars or much more, this book is for you! You will learn the best way to get started, plus how to run a company and sell it when it is most successful. MILLIONAIRE SECRETS offers practical rules for dealing with friends and family, explains how many credit cards you need, and answers the question ‘Do you really need life insurance?’ You’ll learn how to charter a jet, and why a second home can be basically free! It contains 23 chapters of practical money-making and lifestyle advice that is rarely discussed by wealthy people.

Millionaire secret- https://bit.ly/3Ys2JVu



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