The Invisible Storm

in WORLD OF XPILAR6 months ago

One storm gives way to another. One destroys old trees, the other knocks down all of the living who are weaker. Prognoses say that today it's just G1, but I don't feel that way, and today my body says: don't touch me, don't move, cover me with a blanket and let me lie down, I know when I can get up and live. That's how we'll survive. But I took him (the body) for a walk so as not to miss the second day of winter. Yesterday I also went out, but quickly, to the kiosk across the street. It was warm, the snow was clean, but I took this run only for Tula gingerbread, and not to photograph the snow. But I will remember.



Today I quite cheerfully dragged the protesting body to the pyaterochka, but when we went outside, his strength was already exhausted. It's good that the weather is mild, without wind and frost. A backpack weighing 5 kg seemed to him under 40 (we also wore one). I managed to pretend that he was okay, and even my left paw didn't hurt. Taking pictures was a respite for the next jump. That's why I didn't walk with sticks like the others... but they make it terribly difficult to take pictures, especially in winter, when your hands are already freezing.


The magnetic storm is already subsiding, I feel it well. My head is already starting to figure something out and is going to stay up at night again. But we will put her down soon, because tomorrow we don't know what will happen, although the forecast says otherwise. He didn't say what he said today either. At the intensity that it shows, there are no Northern Lights in this band. And we have it, but it's hidden behind the clouds.



I didn't go into the bakery today. I crossed to the other side of the street on purpose. There are several of them in the city, but the amazing thing is that the pastries in all differ very much and it is only in this one that I now buy my favorite cabbage rolls and apple pies.


Camera used: Nikon COOLPIX 1.22


Thank you very much for visiting and reading!

With you @lllll1ll


............... #club100 ..............


Hihi! My body and I often argue these days about what is good and what is better left alone... ;-)) The chances are even ;-))

As for the photos in the cold: I'm so glad I have my latest smartphone, which I can use with gloves on.

I'm happy for you, but my problem is more complicated: I can't wear gloves and mittens. I absolutely cannot, and I walk around with my bare hands all winter, hiding them in my pockets.

Oh. I imagine that would be unpleasant... Do you know Muffs? I used to like wearing them earlier in my life. Maybe that would be your solution (it also looks quite elegant ;-))


Несмотря на холод свежий воцдух и прогулка необходимы, а запах свежего, испеченного хлеба наверное тоже мотивация :)

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