in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago

Only now, digging in the photo archive, I suddenly realized that everything, absolutely all photos are the past. Even the newly made shots are already the past. The past is everything that is not now, which lasts a tiny moment, which we sometimes manage to fix with a number or on film. And there is no movement in this flow of time, movement is only in our consciousness when we go back or try to look ahead. In fact, everything just exists at the same time, leaving its traces, and this is the future now.


but looking at the photo, you can connect somewhere and experience what was happening there again, right down to the sounds, smells and the touch of the wind. Our memory is amazing, which is stored somewhere unknown...



The only thing I understand is that this endless "movie" about everyone is stored somewhere in the smallest details for some specific purpose, and some clues, like these photos, provide another connection with it.


The post was written for the contest:LANDSCAPE/SEASCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #178 from @axeman

Camera used: mobilography


Thank you very much for visiting and reading!

With you @lllll1ll


............... #club5050 ..............

 8 months ago 

последнее фото прошлое как никогда. Сейчас вход за этот поребрик перекрыт для каких-то работ.
А на территории курорта строят жилые дома...

ужас что говоришь... как вообще жить дальше...

 8 months ago 

да, печально. Но жить всё равно придётся ))

Вот это "придётся" и одолевает, потому что иногда компромиссы невозможны.

 8 months ago 

перемены, такие перемены...

 8 months ago 

Your post is nominated for the WOX Booming Support Programme, @booming account upvote.
Only the posts that are original, not cross-posted and posted from the Xpilar community page are nominated. If your post gets an approval, then you get an upvote within a few days.
Good luck! @bambuka

Благодарю за поддержку.

 8 months ago 


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