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RE: Disorder...

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

Oh... I've been in these shoes.
I watched both my parents get ill by cancer and loose their lives after struggle after many battles. My mother-in-law also had Parkinson's and dementia. It had been diagnosed a bit late and meanwhile a few people took advantage of her, as she was living in another city and we couldn't see her on a regular basis. Finding a good nurse to take care of her was the most difficult task and she didn't want to go to a hospice...

I've been asking that lethal question myself too and probably I will die of cancer too. To be honest, I prefer that than my country goes to war and I get mobilized and shot, or worse.
Of course, I'd prefer to die for for a meaningful cause but how our story ends is usually in the hands of the deities...

Here are my two cents, and a bit of a friendly advice, if I can. It will be extremely hard to watch her flame of life diminish but try to spend as much time with her, especially in the moments she is thinking clearly. Life goes on and on but the only thing I really regret is not spending more time with my parents...

Take good care of yourself :)


I am so sorry about your parents and wish you a long and healthy life.

War or peace, no one can escape death. Dying for a purpose is great too but I always wish for an easy demise and little suffering be it at the hand of an enemy or some fatal illness.

My mother-in-law wasn't living alone completely but yes, some people (helpers) did try to take advantage of her mental condition like stealing her possessions. Now that she's living with us, she's always surrounded by us. Sometimes it's me or husband and sometimes kids engage her in games like ludo and building blocks. She doesn't know what she's doing but it's better than being alone and tangled in her own confused thoughts.

 2 months ago 

Thank you for your wishes! From your mouth to God's ears, as we have a saying here :)

It is good that she isn't alone. Probably that's the best you could do, just be with her, as these aren't curable yet, unfortunately...

I really hope there is a special hell for people who take advantage of ill persons...

Have a great Sunday! :)

Thank you for your words.

Going off the topic...

Would you like teaming up with me for curation?

 2 months ago 

Oh, that's an interesting proposal. There's plenty on my plate already, I even can't find the time to post every day, as you can see, and I'll need more info about it before I decide :)

I won't bother you then because curation demands time. Simply put, you will have to spend every 3rd day reading and curating dozens of posts. It takes hours and sometimes whole day. If we get selected then this will be the routine for the next whole month.

 2 months ago 

Thank you, I understand. Please bother me though, especially if it is about something, related to photography. I am better with pictures than words, not to mention a profession for over a decade :)

Stunning pictures in all your posts scream 'professional.'

You can curate photography content but cannot limit yourself to it. Besides curation, there will be some more work like recording the curation details in a sheet and creating a report on your turn.

I will appreciate it if you decide soon. I will understand if you can't do it because of time constraints, but please only say yes if you are 100% sure of your availability because if you can't give enough time later on, then the whole team will be affected.

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

I would totally hate to become a burden to the team and unfortunately I can't do proper time planning due to the nature of my projects, in general.

So... Rain check :)

However, it would be a pleasure and honor to me to consult any photographic-related matter.



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