DeepCortex [esp-eng]

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

La lluvia de aquel día era extraña, como si fuera más repelente que de costumbre, caía pesada sobre el asfalto y manaba aquella acidez de la que ya muchos hablaban, explicándola con teorías extrañas. Fue difícil encontrar un espacio para mi vehículo entre el embotellamiento y la gente corriendo para resguardarse. Ya en la acera, tenía que ir a contracorriente de la multitud para llegar al Registro de Créditos pues me llegó una notificación de que no se había hecho la transferencia, otra vez, de mis impuestos mensuales.

The rain that day was strange, as if it were more repellent than usual, falling heavy on the asphalt and exhaling that acidity that many people were already talking about, explaining it with strange theories. It was difficult to find a space for my vehicle between the traffic jam and the people running for shelter. Already on the sidewalk, I had to go against the current of the crowd to get to the Credit Registry because I received a notification that the transfer had not been made, again, of my monthly taxes.

Llegué empapado al módulo pero sentí una fugaz alegría de encontrarlo vacío, el problema de los créditos me tenía, sin embargo, muy angustiado. Coloqué mi rostro en el scanner mientras la luz violeta del progreso hacía su negocio con todos los datos que iba minando de mi sistema nervioso, propiedad de DeepCortex, bajo contrato de mi empleador. Le tomó unos quince segundos llegar al fondo del problema, y el diagnóstico no me gustaba nada pues tendría que pasar con un agente, lo cual significaba por lo menos una hora de preguntas absurdas sobre los sitios en los que había estado usando mis créditos, supuse que nuevamente algún servicio que contraté estaría bajo investigación por violación de reglamentos.

I arrived soaking wet at the module but felt a fleeting joy at finding it empty, the credit problem had me, however, very distressed. I placed my face in the scanner while the violet light of progress did its business with all the data it was mining from my nervous system, owned by DeepCortex, under contract to my employer. It took about fifteen seconds to get to the bottom of the problem, and I didn't like the diagnosis at all as I would have to go through an agent, which meant at least an hour of absurd questions about the sites I had been using my credits on, I assumed that again some service I contracted would be under investigation for regulatory violations.

Entré a la oficina, al parecer el agente estaba demasiado ocupado en ese momento o simplemente no quería trabajar. Me dijo que me implantaría un brazalete y correría su diagnóstico más tarde por la noche. Le pregunté si no habría serie de pregustas, me respondió que no era necesario, que se encargaría de investigarme con el dispositivo que estaba ajustando a mi muñeca. Pude sentir los sensores penetrando en mi piel, pero recordé lo que suelen decir los colegas de la empresa, son sólo las cosquillas de la verdad con las que mantenemos tranquila nuestra conciencia.

I went into the office, apparently the agent was either too busy at the time or just didn't want to work. He told me that he would implant a bracelet and run his diagnosis later in the evening. I asked him if there wouldn't be a series of questions, he replied that there was no need, that he would investigate me with the device he was attaching to my wrist. I could feel the sensors penetrating my skin, but I remembered what colleagues in the company often say, it's only the truth ticklers that keep our conscience clear.

Salí del Registro con el brazalete adherido al brazo, la lluvia había empeorado. Pude llegar hasta mi vehículo pero no sé si por haberme mojado o por el implante me estaba sintiendo algo débil, por lo que puse el piloto automático. Al llegar a mi habitación sentí una punzada en el corazón y una corriente por todo el cuerpo, me llegó una notificación de que el scanner del Registro de Crédito se había activado. Una luz intensa me cegó y casi me desmayo, llegué arrastrándome a mi cama. Intentaba leer un reporte que se estaba desplegando en mi nervio óptico sin entender palabra. Mientras me quitaba la ropa mojada comencé a sentir nausea, el agente del Registro me estaba contactando pero su voz se escuchaba distorsionada, me decía algo sobre mi problema.

I left the Registry with the bracelet attached to my arm, the rain had worsened. I was able to get to my vehicle. I don't know if it was because I got wet or because of the implant, but I was feeling a little weak, so I set the autopilot. When I got to my room I felt a pang in my heart and a rush throughout my body, I got a notification that the Credit Registry scanner had been activated. A bright light blinded me and I almost fainted, crawling to my bed. I was trying to read a report that was displaying on my optic nerve without understanding a word. As I was taking off my wet clothes I began to feel nauseous, the Registry agent was contacting me but his voice was distorted, he was telling me something about my problem.

Las paredes de mi habitación comenzaron a desaparecer, el mobiliario, mis utensilios y guardarropa. La luz en mi cabeza parecía venir e irse como en oleajes de descargas eléctricas. Miré mi piel y ya no era la misma, se estaba poniendo rígida, es absolutamente blanca. Escuché como en un eco profundo la voz del agente, hablaba de un botón, se hizo un silencio, luego un grito ahogado: “Reiniciar”. No comprendí la naturaleza plástica que mi cuerpo estaba adquiriendo en ese momento, ni su inmovilidad. Mi habitación se volvió un cubo de vidrio, afuera realidades de lugares, personas y objetos que desconozco se entremezclaban en un tránsito interminable.

Ante este remolino me pregunto si habría yo experimentado unos de esos famosos fallos del DeepCortex de los que muchos habían estado hablando últimamente con sus teorías extrañas.

The walls of my room began to disappear, the furniture, my utensils and closet. The light in my head seemed to come and go like waves of electric shocks. I looked at my skin and it was no longer the same, it was stiffening, it was absolutely white. I heard as if in a deep echo the voice of the agent, he spoke of a button, there was silence, then a muffled cry: "Reset". I did not understand the plastic nature my body was acquiring at that moment, nor its immobility. My room became a glass cube, outside realities of places, people and objects that I do not know were intermingling in an endless transit.

Faced with this whirlpool, I wonder if I would have experienced one of those famous DeepCortex glitches that many had been talking about lately with their bizarre theories.

Fotografía y edición digital originales | Original photography and digital edition



 3 years ago 

Your ability to write is great, it's like sitting in a movie theater and watching a movie

 3 years ago 

I'm much grateful for your encouraging words, dear @Xpilar!! :D I'm glad that you enjoy with these stories and get into the alternative worlds of the fictions, somehow mirrors of our reality!!
I send you big hugs and the best winds for life, family and projects!!

Your writeups do tempt me to want to pick up a pen but I don't do stories just poetic justice and maybe I'll try that very soon again.

 3 years ago 

I'm glad this texts inspire you and I invite you to give your pen a chance!! I think there are many stories in your drawings that maybe could give a good start!! :)
Thank you for visiting, dear friend, I'm sending you the best winds for life and projects!!!

Thanks friend!
You do not have to worry nor leave, I shall hit you up with something lit soon!

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World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


 3 years ago 

Thanks so much for the support!!
Best wishes for all the team and projects!!

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