The art of writing

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


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We write because we don't know any other way. To write is to transform our reality into an art that represents us. To write about our expectations and our beliefs. To write is to develop humility and to create, above all to create our world of words from infinity.
Writing is also the responsibility to teach something new and fundamental.
To bring quality and cultural richness. To bare the soul in all its soulful splendor and to leave testimony of the duality that the artist faces in his creative moment. We write because it is our duty to leave a positive imprint that saves us from oblivion.
Writing is the noblest and most unrewarded task that the human being attends.
So we must be creative and let grow the torrent of magic that assists us when, holding hands with the muses, we try at least to write a few lines, unique and imperishable.

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