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RE: Can I blame my incompetencies on Lazy Monarchs?

This was a rather insightful post.
I really appreciate that you acknowledged your own privileges while also recognizing the parts played by those around you like your gardener and house help. Most privileged families depend on such help, but I often see them undermining those beneath them. From screaming and cursing to abuse, the underprivileged have to tolerate all because of their financial situation. They are often taken for granted and not even seen as humans sometimes.

While I think generational change is gradual and will take time, we could play our own individual roles in empowering the underprivileged.


but I often see them undermining those beneath them.

I feel like asking such people, "what's beneath?" Why they don't realize, The One who made them privelaged can take back all these privelages in one swift moment?

we could play our own individual roles in empowering the underprivileged.

Yes, the money should be circulated and beauty of our religion is that we already have the obligation of Zakat to keep this in check. (:

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