 2 months ago 

I'm sure that an in-air elastic would be more difficult with shin pads!

Would you get away with any of those skills in a game without somebody taking a chunk out of your leg? I know that the leagues I played in, a trick like that would end in pain.

True but the thing is i don't have shin pads lol normally when i play with my club i play without shin pads. So not sure how it would be with shin pads but probably pretty hard lol

Hope you can get some shin pads with this vote !


Thank you so much for the upvote! I will buy myself some shinpads. ill send photos!

Great to see your support to this kid.

Playing without shin pads is really a bad idea, specially when you're playing a high intensity game. I broke my tibia once, a hairline fracture, while playing against a local club. It was a long long time ago. It was after that I ordered myself a customized Madrid shin pads. It cost me around 8-9 steem at that time.

Loved watching your video. Best of luck to you friend. Always a pleasure to talk to a football fanatic. As a matter of fact, I'm watching Real Madrid vs Bayern at the moment and Madrid just scored 2 goals in two minutes. ❤️😭😭

Are you watching????

Yeah i was watching the match and i was on real Madrid's side lol but i like neuer quite a lot. and did your injury ever heal? hope it did!

My injury did heal but the affects on my knees are still there. It still hurts occasionally. Coincidentally I had just written a post about my condition yesterday in this Community.

You can read it HERE if you're interested

This is the condition of my knees even after so many years:


You notice these bony prominences on my knees? It still hurts a little when I place them on the floor but I've gotten used to it. Thank you so much for your concern friend

 2 months ago 

It looks like you can afford to buy some shin pads now 😉

When I was at school, our Geography teacher played for the local team. He came in one morning and showed us a huge gash that he'd got down his shin... whilst playing with shin pads! Maybe football's softer in South Africa but as you get older, the tackles get harder 💪🏼

I, sometimes, play with 'uncles' who're in their mid thirties and have a day job, a family yo look after and no time to play regular football. This is how we rate their skills:

  • Stamina 0/10

  • Running -1/10

  • Vision 10/10

  • Long passing 11/10

  • tackling.. well we avoid going near them when they're in the 'mood' 🤣🤣🤣

I swear they play the games as if their lives depend on it. 😭

 2 months ago 

Ha ha! We're from a different era. We grew up watching strong tacklers like Vinny Jones. None of these modern-era ponces.

 2 months ago 

I can really imagine them tackling with the picture you gave. 😝🥵

Are they also out of breath while playing?

Ok they are; stamina: zero 😂😂😂

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