Year 2023: best photos / #club100steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago (edited)


Today I participate in WoX photo contest with the week topic: 'Photo of the Year'. More details on the contest here:

For me personally, this is always the most difficult challenge. Why is that? I don’t have particularly breakthrough photos, they are (more or less) all of the same level, and choosing “best one” among the same ones is always a difficult task... In addition, I have photographs in different genres: #streetphoto, #macro, #product-photography, #portrait - these are different things that are difficult to compare. I can be very happy about how well I photographed a glass ball, or cooked a successfull composition... but such a photo simply does not qualify for the nomination 'a great masterpiece of 2023' :) and so on, and so on.

I think I will add to my blog a selection of photos in those various genres that I liked myself... however, most of all I remember this book portrait session for a girl advertising books. I was paid small money for that, which does not happen often - and I did feel myself like a professional photographer! Looking back at 2023, this definitely looks like a highlight of the year, and these photos stand out as the best; but this is subjective.

Для меня персонально это всегда самый трудный челлендж. Почему так? У меня нет особенно прорывных фото, все они (более или менее) одного уровня, а выбрать "одного лучшего" среди одинаковых всегда непростая задача... К тому же, я имею фотографии в разных жанрах: стритфото, макро, предметная съемка, портрет - это разные вещи, которые тоже достаточно трудно сравнить. Я могу очень сильно радоваться тому, как удачно сфоткал какой-нибудь стеклянный шар... но такое фото просто не потянет на номинацию великого шедевра 2023 года :)

Я думаю, что добавлю в свой блог селекцию фото в разных жанрах, которые нравятся мне самому... однако больше всего мне самому запомнилась книжная портретная сессия для девушки, рекламирующей книги, за которую мне заплатили денег - я почувствовал себя профессиональным фотографом!


On that day I've got away with loads of nice portraits, so I think I will share more in the future rounds of WoX Portrait and Art contest.


This is the frame I chose for the contest. If you like it please vote for my entry here.

* * *

'Voice of time' post.
There was a round of 'Post-processing' challenge dedicated to stand-still photography, and I came up with this staged photo. I made two dozen captures with old note papers and other vintage stuff, and was pretty happy with all of them - cause, uh, I simply love this stuff. Turned out to be one of my fave photo sessions through the year.

I had a meeting with an old pal whom I did not see in a decade! We accompanied our evening with this appetizers table. It looked so wonderful that one may think it was a staged photo for a restaurant or some Horeca business (well, its not, I swear!).

This happened to be my fave macro session with glass balls and matte reflecting background, doing it I've got tremendous fun! (And I can’t but mention that the post in which I shared these photos pleased not only my eyes, and was well supported by the curators ...)

And now a little bit of #streetphoto, from this post. In the time when I shared it, I already considered it to happen one of best captures through the year. Warm summer sun, elegant white dress, beautiful girl... some proper photoshop post-processing... what else do you need? all is there! everything was summed up in a beautiful frame, spotted on the street - would not be a shame to include it in portfolio to lure clients!

* * *
Olives, sausage and two bottles of Chianti from this post. Another one of personal year's best moments.

The photo honestly deserved its place in top photos of the year.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!


I agree it is not easy to choose what is your best photo or even more difficult to know what is your favourite photo. But I also agree with you the photos of the girl with a book are really nice, love them. It is nice to see again the posts that you did during this year.

I have included your post into my highlighted post:


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts and comments!
Curated by : @chant

It seems a good compilation, thank you for sharing Jpegg and good luck for the contest. I can't say which are the best, each of them have a different styles and subjects, and I liked them all.

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