milk, milk, milk (village pleasures) / #club100steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


Today I participate in WoX photo contest with the week topic: 'Village life'. More details on the contest here:

I live in a metropolis, but sometimes I spend my holidays in a village that is a few hours drive from the city, among the swamps - that is, it is not a real countryside, we have no cows or goats, no peasants, no fields of wheat or corn .. there is nothing that looks so seductive as "peasant style". In our village there are houses with a little garden attached, usually surrounded by a solid fence, so it is impossible to photograph the rural life or the strangers's household (unless they are your friends). My archive has some photographs taken "at no man's land" - near the store's food, they became a handy addition to this blog.


This is what our little Strawberry garden bed looks like; note the "Finnish technology": we cover the ground with a breathing and water-permeable cloth so that weeds do not grow under it (that saves us so much time on weeding!)


Does this look like a space technology? well, in fact it is just a greenhouse for growing greens and vegetables. If you want fresh, tasty, and cheap vegetables - you have to grow them yourself! Because in the greenery store they will be nor fresh neither first-class, but undoubtedly will cost three times as much. At the same time, good harvest is possible to grow with the help of a greenhouse, but at open ground it is likely that the crop or sufficient part of it will freeze. Russia is a cold country.

Previously, there was the concept of "market town" - now the market has mutated into a store, in a small village, as a rule, there is no space for two stores, the only store sells everything, first of all - food and drinks. The assortment is very simple and small, like the village life itself ...

Two or three times a week, a small holiday happens in the village - the milk van from the local farm arrives, that brings the freshest milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt and other collateral stuff.


A thick line always is formed immediately behind the van ... it stands stubbornly even in the rain! - people do want to feast on fresh milk.



The bicycle helps to be among the first to buy milk... it happens that there is not enough milk for everyone, and the latter disperse with empty cans without buying anything.


This three-liter glass jar is classic, traditional (and, note it - highly reusable!) container for milk. Three liters of milk cost about 200 rubles, about $2.5 at the current exchange rate. I love milk very much and I have a special metal can into which you can pour 2 liters, that's enough for me to have for 4-5 days till the next van visit.


I prefer bikes of sport modification more, but I understand that they are not practical for village life and rural roads; load capacity is a harsh requirement that excuses such a basket - in this case, its not a bug, but a useful native feature.


Samovar... you still can find one in the depth of a countryside!
Oh, and suddenly I found this funny capture!


City dwellers who come to the village for the leisure weekend are very obsessed with the size of the grass growing on the driveway, and all over the garden; so, grass trimming with a trimmer is an obligatory sacrament that occurs and is as typical for the village life as the moon in the sky.

Городские жители, приезжающие провести уикенд на даче, очень озабочены размером растущей на подъездной дорожке травы, и стрижка травы - обязательное священнодействие, которое происходит и свойственно жизни в деревне так же, как луна на небе.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!

 last year 

... распечатать на бумагу и сделать коллаж "Моя деревенская жизнь" )))
Я этот сезон ещё не открывал... а пора))

 last year 

Мне нечем распечатать, это к сожалению никак не сделать от слова совсем. Но я уже приготовил кучку журналов, клей и ножницы. Может быть что нибудь получится, если как следует помучить мои креативные органы.
...В такую жару, и вы не уезжали из города?

 last year 

Но я уже приготовил кучку журналов, клей и ножницы. - 👍

Мы сейчас в разных режимах трудимся)) Сегодня внуков из лагеря забрали. Будем наезды делать "за город" с возвращением в дом. В чём-то это проще, да и побывать много где можно успеть)

 last year 

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