B-cycle men / #club100steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


For today’s post I selected three photographs of cyclists that I stumbled upon on the city streets, which seemed to me in some way remarkable. A sportsman, musician and scavenger.

Для сегодняшнего поста я отобрал три фотографии велосипедистов, подсмотренных мной в городе и показавшиеся примечательными. Спортсмен, музыкант и дворник-мусорщик-скавенджер.


In the last photo the cyclist himself is not included (as he was not present there) - perhaps this is for better: the heavily loaded bicycle stood motionless and allowed me to take pics from all angles without any rush.

На последнем фото самого велосипедиста нет, возможно это к лучшему - тяжело груженый велосипед стоял неподвижно и дал себя неторопливо сфотографировать со всех ракурсов.

This was my post for WoX photo contest with the week topic: 'Bicycle man'.
More details on the contest here:


If you like my photos, do vote for my entry (by the link above).
Let me round up my post here.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!

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