Weekly Contest, "Creating Short Story Week #30"/ The Precious Egg & The Golden Touch King

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

Hello friend
Greetings to you and welcome to my storyline. In this post that you are about to read through, I have shared two stories that will make you happy and learn something from the stories. The stories are titled; "The precious Egg," and "The Golden Touch King".


Let's get started

The Precious Egg

Once upon a time, there was a man in my street, that had a goose that laid egg every day for him. On one faithful week the goose laid golden egg throughout the week. The egg provided a lot of money to the man and his household. The man and his household most especially his wife was very happy for a very long time as the goose continue to laid golden egg every week.


On one faithful day, the man thought to himself, and say "Why should I taking one egg a day? Why Cant this goose be laying more than one egg for we a day so I and my family can be making a lot of money?"
The man share the idea, with his wife and she agreed foolishly to what her husband said.

However, on the next week,as the goose laid another golden egg, the man was quick with a sharp knife.Out of greediness, the man killed the goose and cut the stomach of the goose open, in the hopes of him finding all the golden eggs that is hiding inside the goose. However, as the man opened the stomach of the goose, the only thing he saw was blood and guts.

As soon as the man found blood and guts, that was when he quickly realized his foolish mistake and started crying over his lost death of his lost resources. As the day kept going on that was how the man and his wife became poorer and poorer because of his inability to be patient and hopeful.

Moral lesson: Always think before you act

The Golden Touch King

There was once a prominent king in my village named Dangula who did a deed for a Satyr. And his wish was granted by Gauasa, the god of wine drinker.


For his wish, Dangula asked that whatever that he touched should turn to a gold. Despite Gauasa effort to stop it, Dangula pleaded that everything was a fantastic wish,bla bla bla.

He was very excited about the power he has earned newly, Dangula started touching all kinds of things, all anything that he touched was turning to pure gold. However, within a short time, Dangula became so hungry. As he pick up a plate of food to eat, that was when he found out that he couldn't eat the food. The food he wanted to eat had turned to pure gold in his hand.

Dangula who was hungry, groaned, and shout "I will starve! Perhaps this was not such an excellent wish after all for me I can make a change!".

Seeing his beautiful daughter named Dismay, whim he loved so much standing beside him comforting him, and as he called dismay closer to hold her, she turned t pure gold. Dangula started crying out aloud "help I am dying, the golden touch I seek for is not a blessing for me" he kept on crying aloud.

Moral Lesson: Be happy with the little you have, because greed can lead to downfall at anytime.

Best Regards;


 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @josepha

In order to enter our contests, you must submit original stories. The content of your publication can be considered as plagiarism by not showing the source of the text, knowing that they are stories from other authors.



@xpilar, @the-gorilla, @stef1

I know they are stories from other authors that I had read long time ago of which you must have read it also. But the truth is that my entry shouldn't be considered as plagarism because I wrote the storie base on how I understood and remembered everything about the story without going online to check.

The links you that you send the write up is totally different from my own. Story is something hundreds people can write on using they own understanding and language.

Thanks for your correction noted.

 2 years ago 

Every story has a due author, regardless of whether it is popular or not. The problem with your version is that you are performing the same approach, using practically the same characters, events and the same main idea, there is nothing new in its content.

Okay noted thanks for the correction.

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