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RE: My thoughts about our first week of the WOX Steemit Engagement challenge

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I'm very happy and grateful to have taken part in this initiative that emerged from people within WOX, such as @bambuka, @stef1, @xpilar and which we began to give form to after conversations where @xaviduran, @arcoiris, @ranartblog, @fumansiu, and @axeman joined with the aim of making this challenge something more than a competition for upvotes.
I think it was in the spirit of this challenge to promote interest in art and culture and at the same time to promote active participation.
I cannot ignore that the motivations for participating in this contest must have been varied, from those who put all their effort into showing the best in their work to those who sent any quick drawing just to earn some coins and laugh a little.
However, I have the feeling that all of us who got involved in the realization and development of this project did so with the aim of contributing to art, culture, and education, trying to impose certain criteria that would give this challenge the merit of, perhaps, to be the beginning of a series of contests, called with the firm intention of promoting participation increasingly committed to these values.
For this, we gave this contest a different tone, linking the participation with the drawing, painting, photography, and architecture lessons or tutorials that the team members had previously posted to the Steemit community from WOX.
Regarding the participants, some took these, and others clearly did not but I believe the professional contribution of those of us who evaluate the entries is setting a precedent for future competitions. The precedent is that those who will contribute with their skills and knowledge, honouring the contest, will have the best opportunities and will be evaluated accordingly.
The floor for the next challenges or contests will be the artworks that now we have selected as the best.


Estoy muy contento y agradecido de haber formado parte de esta iniciativa que surgió de miembros de WOX como @bambuka, @stef1, @xpilar y a la que empezamos a dar forma tras conversaciones donde @xaviduran, @arcoiris, @ranartblog , @fumansiu y @axeman se unieron con el objetivo de hacer de este desafío algo más que una competencia por votos a favor.
Creo que estaba en el espíritu de este desafío promover el interés por el arte y la cultura y al mismo tiempo promover la participación activa.
No puedo ignorar que las motivaciones para participar en este concurso debieron ser variadas, desde los que pusieron todo su empeño en mostrar lo mejor de su trabajo hasta los que enviaron algún dibujo rápido solo para ganar unas monedas y reírse un poco.
Sin embargo, tengo la sensación de que todos los que nos involucramos en la realización y desarrollo de este proyecto lo hicimos con el objetivo de contribuir al arte, la cultura y la educación, tratando de imponer ciertos criterios que le dieran a este desafío el mérito de, quizás, ser el inicio de una serie de concursos, convocados con el firme propósito de promover una participación cada vez más comprometida con estos valores.
Para ello, le dimos a este concurso un tono diferente, vinculando la participación con las lecciones o tutoriales de dibujo, pintura, fotografía y arquitectura que los miembros del equipo habían subido previamente a la comunidad de Steemit desde WOX.
En cuanto a los participantes, algunos las tomaron y otros claramente no, pero creo que el aporte profesional de quienes evaluamos las propuestas está sentando un precedente para futuras competencias. El precedente es que quienes aporten con sus habilidades y conocimientos, honrando el concurso, tendrán las mejores oportunidades y serán evaluados en consecuencia.
El piso para los próximos retos o concursos serán las obras que ahora hemos seleccionado como las mejores.


I agree with you Jorge and I am glad that we decided to take this responsibility and try ourselves as a group of people with the same motivation. It is not only about making the users on Steemit to Artists, no, it is to let them maybe to discover the skills that were sleeping in them. We all know that every child like drawing, this is hte first what we do when we can hold a pen and see a paper, but this interest can disappear with time and if we let it can wake up and we sometimes get surprised with what we can reach.

Like anythign in this world it depends on motivation. LIke when I was about 12 y.o. math was hte subject that I was very weak and I did not like it. My math teacher was very good psychologist, she then concentrated on me, called me often to the board to do hte tasks and went through explaining. Aftrer a months I started to understand it and became very good algebra is my favourite subject now and I am still very grateful to this teacher who did not give me up and supported. Of course, the example has nothing to do with our blogging here, but who knows if our professional advise and support may change something in the life of those users. Will let them love drawing and even to do it with their children.

We are going to run it for at least a month and will see if there is any development happen, let us get surprised :)

 2 years ago 

I'm glad we agree. Among the people who participate, I can see (or intuit) that there are modest people and children who also participate. If for one of them this can be an opportunity to learn, receiving a critique of their artistic progress and even earning some money for their materials while they study seems fantastic to me.
We are living in a new era filled with possibilities that most of us don't realize yet.
Dreaming, it would be great to have a talent school in Steemit, with young people and children who seriously use the platform to learn and at the same time gain enough to meet their needs.

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