The People we Meet along the way

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

My mother always told me that I was good at picking up strays - and she wasn’t referring to animals… she was referring to people. There was a lot of truth in that statement, because I have never gravitated to “run of the mill” individuals… something to do with energy I guess.

I think that without any traditional introduction, we connect with others on an energetic level. Sometimes that connection works really well, and others, not so much. Me… well, I have a tendency to “feel” people a lot. It is a blessing and a curse, but time and time again it has proven to be spot on.


Perhaps I should attempt to explain what I mean a little more clearly. As an example - someone who is having a rough emotional day can walk into the same room as me. I don’t need to see their face or speak to them, often I don’t need to see them at all, but I can literally feel the shift in mood within myself… a manifestation of their emotion - in my body.

This used to confuse me a lot when I was younger, because I did not understand where it was coming from or why I was feeling it. As I got older, I realised that I was experiencing some level of what the person near me was. I say it is a blessing and a curse because it is nice to be able to have a deep and true understanding of another person… but sometimes, people don’t like to acknowledge their emotions nor do they want to talk about them and that makes it a little more complicated for me to carry around.


Their unwillingness to acknowledge that something is wrong… makes me second guess myself. It is 100% their right to exercise that privacy obviously - I don’t dispute that, but it can make it somewhat frustrating for me, because then I start to question my experience of it, and when they eventually do come forward and go “yes, actually x, y and z happened” - only then do I have confirmation that my presumption was not misplaced. It is a lot to carry, especially when it isn’t even your own baggage - and I have no shortage of that myself, lol.

However, on the positive side - it allows me to feel a person on a much deeper level and for that reason I have been blessed to meet and get to know some of the most wonderful souls which many other people do not even give the time of day because they judge them on the surface.


I am pretty sure I am not alone in that sort of ‘instinctive’ connection when meeting someone - good or bad, I guess I possibly just feel it more than I think it… if that makes any sense?! This has drawn me toward some incredible people, some very ‘broken’ people and it has also pushed me away from others, without me really knowing why at the time, but with clarity afforded later down the line.

I find it fascinating how we ‘mix together’ as people - or don’t, and the intricate workings of it all. I see it in my son too, having observed over the years, the types of individuals that he seems to naturally gravitate toward and the others which very obviously repel him. He always ends up making friends with the oddballs - or at least what society often considers as such, - so I guess the apple didn’t fall very far from the tree, in that respect, lol.


I often wonder if this natural inclination is simply because of what does or doesn’t appeal to us as individuals in the makeup of another person, or because it has something to do with life lessons, our greater purpose and journey - or perhaps a little bit of both?!

I don’t know if I will ever have the answer to the question of “why” - but I do know that I am grateful for so many of the people that - for whatever reason - I have joined roads with along the way, whether short term or long term, because they (that includes you) are all weaving a part in my tapestry and perhaps vice versa.



Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx



Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 3 months ago 

Well, you had me at "energy, frequency and vibration!"

I totally get the idea of "feeling" people, it's almost like a "tone" outside the normal range of hearing, and the sensation runs the range from angelic voices to the sound of a jackhammer breaking concrete in my soul.

Interestingly enough, it also works over distances, sometimes great distances.

Of course there's that issue of second guessing what I am experiencing... most especially when I'm getting a horrible vibe from someone I "should make sense with."

Well, you had me at "energy, frequency and vibration!"

Technically, Nikola Tesla had you :P

it's almost like a "tone" outside the normal range of hearing, and the sensation runs the range from angelic voices to the sound of a jackhammer breaking concrete in my soul.

Well put, lol.

Interestingly enough, it also works over distances, sometimes great distances.

Yes, this has happened to me a few times! Once with a complete stranger too... did not know the woman from a bar of soap, but the feeling that she was going through something really emotionally traumatic just would not leave me alone... so eventually, I puckered up enough courage to send her a DM on Twitter.

Turns out I was spot on. She had some long distance relationship going on at the time but finance and circumstance prevented them from being together and she was really struggling with the emotional tug of war.

It is all very fascinating really - and I think the same thing about my dreams too. Often I don't even think they are about me, or my life... but that is a conversation for another day lol.


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Many thanks @o1eh xxx

 3 months ago 

That's a cool story! And well done you for actually acting on what you felt!

Dreams really are fascinating! The ones that most often end up blowing my mind a little is when I dream someone... and then meet them, months/years later, in the situation I dreamed. What does it mean?

Small wonder that there are "black ops" departments of governments trying to actually decipher and understand this stuff... it very real.

Dreams really are fascinating! The ones that most often end up blowing my mind a little is when I dream someone... and then meet them, months/years later, in the situation I dreamed. What does it mean?

They ARE fascinating - I cannot say for definite that I have actually ended up meeting someone I dreamt about... which is pretty damn fncking AWESOME... the closest I would say I have gotten to confirmation of that, would be... the feeling of dejavu.

Small wonder that there are "black ops" departments of governments trying to actually decipher and understand this stuff... it very real.

I did not know that!

 3 months ago 

"Dreaming someone" does blow my mind when it happens... and it can be a little a.w.k.w.a.r.d.

You can't exactly tell a complete stranger that you "know" them without coming across as a complete freakazoid and creeping them out. Even retrospectively... not everyone is open to "the unseen," as I'm sure you are well aware...

I did not know that!

It's complicated, and I can only share it in the most general sort of terms. Being married to someone who's 100% civilian but carries a permanent ID from a 3-initial government organization is... "interesting," at times. Let's just say that the movie "Men Who Stare at Goats" is not as fictional as you might think...


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Curated by : @o1eh

 3 months ago 

The people we meet along the way can shape us in many ways - challenge us, teach us and help us become better versions of ourselves. It is important to cherish these relationships and remember that every person we meet has something to teach us.
Jewelry and accessories can be more than just fashion statements. Тell the story of a person's life, his beliefs and his personal convictions :)

Jewelry and accessories can be more than just fashion statements. Тell the story of a person's life, his beliefs and his personal convictions :)

I like that you picked that up ;)

amazing post...keep working hard..upvoted

Many thanks :)

This post has received a 100.0 % upvote from @boomerang.

Thank you so much @boomerang xxx

(My mother always told me that I was good at picking up strays - and she wasn’t referring to animals…)hahahaha,I love this phrase, in some countries they associate dogs with men who are with one woman and another woman, who do not respect a relationship.

lol - here we just call those guys "dogs" :D

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Thank Youuuuuuuuuuu @worldofxpilar :) Always very much appreciated!!!!

I tend to call it a curse if it comes to me. It affects me, eats my energy if I feel what others can't feel or see. Let's call it high sensitive which my children share with me.
Those 'oddballs', 'nerds' 'losers' sound familiar but I rather call them fitting souls. Me and my family care less about the reflection of the mirror or the blindness of others.
I know there are teachers who pitty me for having 'weird' children (who do they think they are talking to? 🤣) but I feel honoured to be there mom and the only 'oddballs' we see are those different from us.


Ps no need to answer if you don't feel to it.

It affects me, eats my energy if I feel what others can't feel or see.

It does indeed!

Those 'oddballs', 'nerds' 'losers' sound familiar but I rather call them fitting souls.

Oh yes, I like your terminology and those derogatory words are not said by me, but rather society in general.

but I feel honoured to be there mom and the only 'oddballs' we see are those different from us.

TRUE STORY!!! lol!

Ps no need to answer if you don't feel to it.


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