The lies we tell ourselves... :)

in WORLD OF XPILAR27 days ago

This was yesterdays sunrise - Day 1 of getting my butt into gear, lol

A few years ago I was listening to a podcast about human behaviour and how the “comfort zones” we have created for ourselves will go to great lengths to protect “themselves” and it is actually humorous how true this is! I can obviously only speak of my own personal experience, but just with that alone there are countless ways in which I see this to be case on point.

Generally it lends itself to things we don’t want to do, but it is also very applicable to the things we MOST want to do… like change for instance, lol. Changing something in our lives for the better can sometimes be one of the most difficult things to gain control of… especially if it is something which has been a “certain way” for a particularly long time.

I have always been a relatively slim individual, in fact you could probably say I was “spoilt” in that respect because growing up and for most of my younger adult years, I never really had to put in any effort to maintain that… it just “was”. These days however, is a slightly different story and the bread slice count definitely makes a lot more difference than it used to, haha!

The few times in my life when I was carrying a bit of extra weight, I never felt comfortable with it and it did not take long for me to make the necessary lifestyle changes to remedy that… but now, at 43 - I find that my internal talk and justification for it is a lot more manipulative and convincing, lol!

“You are 43, give yourself a break”, “you have earned the right to have a bit of a belly now”, “You are beautiful no matter how much you weigh” - ok, that one is actually a TRUE STORY, because our physical appearance isn’t what defines beauty, but still - I know that for me, in this instance it is just a personal justification for avoiding change which requires effort.

The thing is, it is not about society, but ourselves - and feeling comfortable in our own skin… which I have been feeling less and less of lately, so I decided to get my butt back into gear and start with my morning workouts again. I set my alarm for 6.30 on Sunday evening with the best of intentions to jump out of bed with passion and determination!

Well, the alarm went off on Monday and let me tell you, lol - the enthusiasm was seriously lacking!!! I lay there, listening to the wind outside and told myself… “the weather seems bad, maybe I should leave it until tomorrow” haha! Oh man, it took every ounce of convincing to get myself out of that bed and silence my mental partner called procrastination, lol!


Also yesterdays sunrise

But I did, and it felt really great to do something so much more constructive with my morning than lying there dreaming my dreams. Admittedly, I am more unfit than I have ever been and I only managed a 3km intermittent walk/run before giving up, but I did finish it off with a five minute ice water plunge in the garden jacuzzi and that was a feat all on its own I tell ya! Haha!

Day two (today), the alarm went off and sure as apples fall off trees, that pesky little voice was there to greet me once again, lol - offering me an endless supply of excuses as to why I should not get my butt out of bed and make an effort for myself, but I managed to win that battle again, yay me! I also eeked out a 4.5km intermittent walk/run and another 5 minute cold plunge, whoop whoop!

It feels good ignoring that little devil on my shoulder that tries to stop me from becoming a better version of myself… now I just need to continue disregarding the lies it tries to tell me. Let’s see how tomorrow goes, haha! Wish me luck!


Today's sunrise - Day 2 of getting my butt into gear :)


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

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Congratulations, your post has been upvoted with a bonus by @o1eh,
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Thank you @o1eh <3 you are such a sweetheart!

My problem is more the dwindling condition and increasingly normalised pain experiences. Figure - I've never consciously done anything about it and I can still wear some clothes from the 10th grade ;-)) The inner bastard wants to be overcome regularly for some training like before, for back exercises ... Oh well. Or not.

hahahaha!!! I hear you!!! I also have some similar reasons for trying to get back into this... I have terrible lower back issues, compliments of all my years sitting as a graphic designer - added to that bag of gifts from my career is stage 3 osteoarthritis from constantly staring down at a screen...

I have noticed over the years that when I have been more positively physical lol, my pain is a lot less and I manage these things with greater ease... but yes, mostly easier said than done.

Baby steps, lol

 26 days ago 

Well, you are doing better than me.
I am still sitting in my comfort zone, telling myself those lies and, at the same time, making sure that I don't walk past a full-length mirror. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Now I can remember my mom so clearly... "Do it now, as the older you get, the more difficult it becomes."

Happy training!

lol, I can so relate to that too!! And stay away from me with a camera haha!

"Do it now, as the older you get, the more difficult it becomes."

Yeah, she definitely wasn't lying! :D

It really is harder and the after effects when starting out again are so much more brutal than when you are younger, lol. My boy, @judethedude has been joining us in the mornings and simultaneously putting us both to shame with his youthful agility and exuberance haha!

But onward we go... creaks and groans included lol

 25 days ago 

I won't even try asking my stepson to join. I will be too embarrassed.

As for you, son, it looks like he and my stepson are two peas in a pot, except for the soccer. Mine will replace it with soccer.

My biggest surprise is that he is in Club5050!!
Whoop whoop! (•ิ‿•ิ)

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