Strong Roots

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago


Growing up in a house full of four men probably explains why I've got this, uh, let's call it an "attitude," though honestly, I don't see it as a problem, lol! But seriously, a lot of guys I come across seem to struggle with the idea of a woman who's got a mind of her own, and heaven forbid, a voice too! It's kind of funny, actually—or maybe not funny, more like ridiculous—because most guys will admit they find those qualities attractive in a woman, but when faced with it up close, they get a bit uncomfortable, you know?

As the only girl and the baby of the family, living with my three older brothers and my dad, I was definitely outnumbered. Every day felt like a battle of survival with that bunch, I'm telling you! So, yes, in a lot of ways, I've picked up some traits that are pretty typical of guys. I'm outspoken, sometimes a bit cocky, stubborn, and I hardly ever back down from something I believe in.


Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not saying all men are like this, but the guys in my family definitely are. Sure, they're loving and caring, great husbands and fathers, but trust me, there's no shortage of testosterone there. And I guess, to a large extent, some of that has rubbed off on me too.

I've endured my fair share of teasing, probably more than anyone I know! It seems like I've been the target of jokes and even been playfully whipped with a dishcloth more times than I can count. And let me tell you, there's something about chewing gum flavoured with peri-peri spice that just doesn't sit right with me... I can't quite put my finger on why though! ;) hahaha - evil boys!

Growing up with older brothers meant I was constantly being teased and picked on, which I guess is pretty standard sibling stuff. But on the bright side, being around them all the time taught me a lot about how to handle different situations. I ended up picking up a lot of their habits and mannerisms simply because they were the only role models I had. Yeah, let me tell you, it's not easy growing up with older brothers, but it definitely taught me some important life lessons and skills, like independence and standing up for myself.


I remember countless times witnessing my brothers arguing and even rolling around the hallway like tumbleweeds because they couldn't agree on something. It's not exactly rocket science to understand how being exposed to that kind of behaviour every day would shape my own character development.

We had two dogs and a cat at one point, and the cat started acting like the dogs, refusing to eat its treats alone on the counter and instead tossing them on the floor to eat with the dogs. And then there was the time when we had two cats and one dog, and the dog decided to mimic the cats by running along the backs of our couches. - It's all relative ;) My point - I suppose not everyone likes and intelligent, opinionated and independent woman that can stand their own ground, but then again, not everybody matters lol!



Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx



Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

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 3 months ago (edited)

The good and the bad follows us through life; our challenge is to take the best of it and stay aware of the worst of it and when it rears its ugly head to get in the way of our happiness and joy of living.

But seriously, a lot of guys I come across seem to struggle with the idea of a woman who's got a mind of her own, and heaven forbid, a voice too!

I guess growing up in gender-egalitatian Scandinavia, that would actually be my preference and I would even go so far as to call it sexy. But then you already know I'm not built like "most people," and I don't really care very much about most people.

You just do you... and that's perfect, as it is.

but then again, not everybody matters lol!

As you said....

our challenge is to take the best of it and stay aware of the worst of it and when it rears its ugly head to get in the way of our happiness and joy of living.

Good thinking and I need to remind myself of this more often!

that would actually be my preference and I would even go so far as to call it sexy. But then you already know I'm not built like "most people," and I don't really care very much about most people.

Experience has taught me that many men say that (and I am not lumping you in that basket by any means - just an observation over time) - but when they actually have to live with a woman like that... the tune changes very quickly. They seem to go from being attracted to it, to being emasculated by it pretty fast.

You just do you... and that's perfect, as it is.

Thank you :) Doing my best - always :D

 3 months ago 

Experience has taught me that many men say that (and I am not lumping you in that basket by any means - just an observation over time) - but when they actually have to live with a woman like that... the tune changes very quickly. They seem to go from being attracted to it, to being emasculated by it pretty fast.

I can't speak to your personal experience, of course!

I'd submit, however, that men you are referring to (of whom I might have known a few!) were likely looking for a mommy not a true equal partner. Relationships are fascinating! Humans are fascinating! So many seem unable to handle actually having what they really want...

were likely looking for a mommy not a true equal partner.

Bingo. lol

Relationships are fascinating! Humans are fascinating! So many seem unable to handle actually having what they really want...

So fncking TRUEEEEEEEE!!!!!



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 3 months ago 

Thanks @o1eh, appreciate it!

It's frightening how much childhood years so long ago still shape and influence us today - against our better judgement, against all reason. And yet...: who knows what exactly this is good for!


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Running out of ways to say thank you to you haha!!! :D But... Thank You!!! I am very grateful to have your support :)

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